17 reviews liked by DashingTonyD

I went in completely nostalgia blind to when I played the ever-living crap out of the Wii version when I was a little kid (83 hours from that alone), and if I'm being completely honest, it still mostly holds up. Well, the hero campaign does at least. The concept of the villain campaign is so cool, but it is the most irritating experience I've had with Lego ever since The Complete Sagas vehicle missions. There are so many cops and SWAT members spawning to the point that it's super irritating and really drags out a missions length-time, since one punch from them causes you to stop focusing on whatever puzzle or build you were just doing to fight the enemy. I'm glad this is something they fixed in the later games, because it just becomes an annoying nuisance. Also the vehicle missions do suck in this game, that's a common complaint I've heard across the board. The thing is I actually enjoyed the first vehicle mission, it was kind of fun. But the moment I got into the boat mission, I remembered why people hated them. Overall still a good experience, but I don't see myself playing this one again over other Lego games. Case in point, I 100%'d Lego Batman 3 for the fourth time before even finishing the villain campaign for this game.

the best saints row game free, IMO 3 is like OK but even then i feel like the series really fell off after this game, stilwater is just a way better setting than what came after and even though it's goofier than the first game still it has a blend of serious and silly that i think works pretty well throughout the story, i dont think its like anything ultra crazy but the characters have charm and the game expands on plotlines from the first game. like any good gta/gta-esque game this game is just an absolute blast to boot up and do whatever in, game is also filled to the brim with side things or minigames to play which is pretty cool. the only real tragedy of this game is that the pc port is really trash (it might work on some peoples setups, it works ok on my steam deck but its still objectively trash port) yet also the easiest way to experience it ATM, besides just the performance issues theres some weird pc exclusive bugs iirc (although there's an older mod to patch some of these it still doesnt completely fix the experience) and no way to play the dlc the console versions had AFAIK. i've never tried it on the port either but i think you need to get through weird hoops to do multiplayer if thats your thing. classic game of the 360/ps3 era that probably won't get it's proper pc version at this point sadly due to volition exploding

A ideia de transportar o tipo de obra que é South Park, para um outro tipo de mídia de entretenimento, como um videogame, tinha muitas chances de dar errado.... não só em retratar o humor negro que a série carrega, mas também conseguir sustentar interesse para que os jogadores possam zerar sem parecer chato ou a pior coisa que já feita na indústria.... felizmente, o resultado final foi excelente.

The Stick of Truth consegue trazer tudo de bom da série, principalmente o humor.... muitos temas pesados são abordados, muitas referências a série é feita, e pelo fato de ser um jogo de videogame, é lógico que os personagens iriam fazer diversas piadas sobre isso... principalmente em cima de seu gênero... pra ser mais exato, o jogo inteiro é uma sátira ao gênero RPG e também a fantasia medieval.

Falando em RPG, o fato de The Stick of Truth ser um é muito divertido... ele traz um sistema simples, mas que funciona muito bem pra South Park.

O jogo tem uma duração boa, sendo três atos consideravelmente curtos, tendo um começo, meio e fim com um ótimo ritmo, mesmo fazendo bastante missão, explorando bem o mapa, zerei em 9h...

Uma das reclamações que eu tenho, é que a partir do segundo ato, e principalmente no terceiro... tinha muita missão que era de ir pro objetivo A, depois pro B, e voltar pro A e assim um looping era feito... logicamente, talvez eu esteja exigindo demais sobre isso com um jogo do SOUTH PARK, mas foi algo que me incomodou, já que nesses momentos o jogo ficava meio chatinho...

Outro contra é o combate que fica totalmente desequilibrado... eu joguei no modo Hard, explorei bastante o jogo e peguei tanto item forte que chegou um momento que eu comecei a matar quase todo mundo com 1 hit e quase não sentia dificuldade nenhuma em qualquer batalha a partir da metade do jogo, por conta disso o combate algumas vezes ficava meio "injusto", por mais que ainda fosse divertido.

Eu nunca cheguei a ver a série de fato, primeiro por conta da dublagem BR que eu sempre achei horrível (talvez por eu estar acostumado com a original), e segundo por conta de uma péssima experiência que tive na época quando tentei ver ainda quando era criança, achava "sem graça" ou não entendia as piadas, depois dessa época eu tinha perdido completamente o interesse pela obra... mas depois de jogar isso aqui, fiquei em uma vontade inevitável de assistir a série pra valer dessa vez (e provavelmente irei ver muito, porque pqp, que negócio engraçado).

Really fun Batman game, it improves on pretty much everything that Asylum did, I liked Asylum's UI and atmosphere a bit more but everything else was better here. I think the open world isn't great but it's not bad either, it's kinda just there, the transversal is nice but obviously not as fun as swinging around as Spider-Man. The story was pretty good, some nice boss fights, the combat has some nice improvements, so did the stealth and transversal, same thing with the graphics. The dlc was nice although I'd have liked a longer cutscene at the end. Overall it is a really good game with an okay open world.

Arkham Asylum is turning 15 this year and it still holds up quite well in lots of areas! The story is nice, I'm not a huge Batman fan but I still liked it, the level design good, the atmosphere is amazing, although I felt the more open parts of the island felt a bit boring, but everything else is fun to explore. You have some gadgets you can use, only a few of them can be used in combat though, but it adds some slight variation to the combat. Speaking of that, it is fun and flows quite well most of the time, when doing a ground takedown you can still get hit but when doing a takedown you can use after achieving a 5x streak in combat you do not get hit, so I almost never did the ground ones. The stealth is nice, nothing out of this world but it gets the job done nicely.
You have upgrades which can increase your health, damage, gadgets efficiency, there's a nice variation of upgrades.
There's a couple mini-bosses you fight which are literally equal, I'd have liked some more variation, even if it was only on their moveset. Some enemy related gimmicks could also have been more fleshed out imo. The final boss battle also felt very random... It was disappointing for me.
Overall it is a fun game that mostly holds up very nicely!

não consegui zerar o jogo porque por algum motivo o jogo deu softlock e eu fiquei preso em um lugar que não tinha como sair, mas cheguei bem perto do fim do jogo então posso confirmar que o jogo é muito massa


mediano demais tem uma parte que se tem que quebrar uma pedra especifica pra passar que achei super paia o do snes e melhor

os gráficos 2D são ótimos e a árvore de habilidades é muito variada, me diverti jogando e realmente me impressionou, não esperava muita coisa quando comecei a jogar e em alguns aspectos me lembrou de Chrono Trigger

Really all I can say is the game feels like a cross between a late 2000s era BioWare game and a poor man's Witcher and you're just better off playing those games instead of this one.

They had one good idea and ran out of steam almost immediately. Everything about this game is annoying to do, and it doesn't have enough going on in the story to make it worth it.
The last act feels like it was cut short. Without getting into spoilers, it introduces several plot threads and ends them all at once after one short section. It's just not a good game. Impressive that they made it and it wasn't filled with bugs, but it's still not a good game.

The reason this is a 1-star is because there isn't a reason to play a game without an ending or a payoff, or any memorable... anything about it, other than the fact that it just ends when the budget did.