11 reviews liked by Dave501

To me this is the best GTA out of all the games one of my favorite games of all time definitely worth your money.🎮👍

Review EN/PTBR

Game destined for death by copyright, who could guess it?
I can say that it could have some potential but this game was always destined for death and we all know
It's nice to see games coming out trying to compete with Dead By Daylight's massive audience but as always it's super risky


Jogo destinado a morte por direito autorais, quem diria?
Posso afirmar que poderia ter algum potencial mas esse jogo sempre esteve destinado a morte e todos nós sabemos
É bom ver jogos surgindo tentando bater de frente com o enorme público do Dead By Daylight mas como sempre é super arriscado

7355608 to plant the c4 👍🏼

if it was not a shitty mobile transaction game this could be peak

It's a fun game at the beginning of every new card set release, but once the meta is established it becomes repetitive with only two or three decks worth playing.

- Some great art
- Very f2p friendly
- Cool collabs with various other games, shows, etc.

It maintains it's rep, as one of the most free to play card games. Probably in fierce competition with LOR on that one, but yeah. It's kinda a bit too much like hearthstone for it to really stand out to me though. Also, if you remain fully free to play you probably have to choose like, one or two main classes to stick too so you'll have to decide pretty early on what you are gonna do.

Perhaps I'm overrating this buggy and content-dry disaster a little, but I do not care. The time spent with friends scurrying to find the necessary parts to escape are fondly remembered. I overlooked the obvious glaring shortcomings of the game because the primary gameplay loop was simply too enjoyable. There's a decent variety of playstyles to go with when choosing which counselor to survive the night, and that also extends to the objectives
What makes this game far superior to a similar title like Dead By Daylight, from my perspective, are the various ways players can survive the night. You can be selfish by gathering all the parts to the two-seater or the boat, or make the server cooperate effectively to secure the 4-seater or even bring down the momma's boy himself
Not only that, the developers do genuinely care about the source material. As a massive F13 fan, it's a pleasure to take note of all the numerous references included and dedication to making every playable Jason unique based on their specific quirks, like having Part 2 Jason be more of a trapper to emphasize how much of a amateurish serial killer he was in the film. It always pains me to remember of the inane copyright fiasco that held back the game from becoming truly great