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Dawlphinn reviewed Another Crab's Treasure

This review contains spoilers

The immense hype I had regarding this game paid off. The world design and art direction go to such great heights and elevates the social commentary within the plot. There is not only a powerful message about consumerism found within, but also about how society falls when the rich and powerful remain there. I also loved the characterization of Krill and him trying to find his purpose in a world that doesn't benefit the lower class. Although I think the ending was a bit abrupt (Chitan is ok I guess?) and cut short this commentary, I really enjoyed it from a gameplay perspective. Three bosses in a row?? Truly through me for a loop and kept me on my toes. Some of my favorite areas include The Unfathom and The Old Ocean, the former having this ominous voice teaching Krill of the dangers of rising to the top. I loved the shift in tone in this area, which I felt emphasizes how much damage we do when we step on others to achieve our goals.

Minus a few standout tracks, I found the soundtrack to just be ok. These standouts for me included some of the boss themes and The Old Ocean. The voice acting was also just ok. Although I think Inkerton was the standout here. He sounds AMAZING and has range that most of the other voices didn't.

My only problems lie with the gameplay towards the beginning, and some framerate problems. The first few hours are a bit slow, mostly because you don't get the skill tree until later, which greatly improves combat. The framerate also hangs when loading certain areas, which proved to be very annoying at times, but it was at least never in the middle of a battle.

Nevertheless, the wait for this game was worth it in my eyes. Another Crab's Treasure is a souls-like that deserves your attention with incredible writing and gameplay that is fresh enough to offer a unique experience.

16 hrs ago

16 hrs ago

Dawlphinn commented on Lemonstrade's review of Sonic the Hedgehog
I feel sonic should (and probably was intended to) be more of a momentum game rather than a "go fast all the time" game. His inception was more of a slight against the aging hardware of the NES and to show how much faster the Genesis could be. So hearing that you felt Sonic 1 had more slow, methodical platforming than expected is something I'm happy you noticed. I think the 'gotta go fast' became more of a focus in the sequel.

9 days ago

Dawlphinn completed Dark Souls: Remastered
I had a great time with this game. The atmosphere created by the wondrous dream-like landscapes really took me aback. Especially towards the tail end at Kiln of the First Flame. I was seriously in awe of this area. The sand-like ashes and the charred structures combined with finding out that Gwyn has a flaming sword was a superb piece of environmental storytelling, and is the least of what this game has to offer in that department. Anor Londo was a big standout to me with its beautiful sunset and maze-like interiors. The Abyss was also a standout with the entrance and the boss fight. I truly feel if we are looking at this as a follow up to Demons Souls, then they knocked it out of the park with the world design. As with most souls games, the story is something you feel, and the details come in if you really want to look for it.

Some of my favorite bosses included Gwyn and Ornstein & Smough. Definitely some of the most challenging bosses but that's what made them all the more satisfying.

9 days ago

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