34 Reviews liked by DaymanNightman



I'll see someone put the corniest string of words together under a game i like then this kids sad little face will be staring at me on their best games ever throne

mesmo o gta 5 sendo o jogo de maior sucesso da franquia, ele ainda não supera o estado de ícone do san andreas, que talvez também seja um dos jogos mais icônicos dos anos 2000
even if gta 5 is the franchise's biggest sucess, it does not surpass san andreas' icon status, which might also be one of 2000s most iconic games

mom caught me trying to learn the herald of darkness dance in my room. called me a sissy and said that spider man 2 was better. im typing this with tears in my eyes

"The Hero Turns To Look Inside, Is Destroyed By What He Sees, And Is Redeemed."

Finished Alan Wake 2 last night and oh my, I absolutely get the praise for Alan Wake 2 now. It's an experience like no other game and not only does it greatly improve from the first game in every single aspect, but this is easily Redemy Entertainment's magnum opus with its unique multimedia method of storytelling and immersion.

The graphics are just astonishing, especially with how carefully Redemy has been crafting thier usage of lighting to the point there are many scenes when you could easily mistake the game for live-action. The audio design is one of the best I have experienced and it's incredibly immersive to hear sounds from all directions and angels from pouring rain, ringing phones, a conversation between people, and eerie monstrous sounds. From an aesthetic viewpoint, Alan Wake 2 does an excellent job of sending the message that this is a survival horror story.

Speaking of survival horror, Alan Wake 2 makes a drastic change in gameplay from the first game. No longer an action-adventure game shooting down dozens of Taken and dealing with frustrating combat sections. The gameplay emphasizes less action and more on slowly walking through nerve-wracking uncertainly.

While the survival horror combat itself is nothing groundbreaking, what helps make Alan Wake 2 stand out is how the duel protagonists, the titular character himself Alan Wake, and FBI agent Saga Anderson, solve their obstacles to resolve the issue at hand.

With Saga's mind place to help put together pieces she finds throughout the game to solve the surrounding mysteries and interrogate suspects. As well as Alan's plot board changes the surrounding environment around him as if he's rewriting "plot elements" for a story. It's a fresh and creative layer to prevent the gameplay from ever being stale.

The shining gem of Alan Wake 2 is the story and narrative and while it's very difficult to talk about its story without going into spoilers and details. What I can say is it masterfully presents its story like no other game I've played.

You have live-action segments of a short film, an operatic rock musical, video autobiographies, commercials, etc. As well as songs that play during and at the end of each chapter and scattered pages of incomplete manuscripts, all complimentary to the spiraling complex narrative that explores the psychological descent of the duel protagonists.

While each unique segment of Alan Wake 2 does sound disjointed and nonsensical on paper, it all comes together flawlessly in a meta manner of speaking to tell a story about a story and how these characters are trapped in a horror story coming to life.

Not to mention, the worldbuilding and easter eggs that Remedy have set up with thier previous games Quantum Break and Control help sell the overall dark surrealism and atmosphere that extends beyond the main focus and scope of Alan Wake 2. So it's very rewarding to play Redemy's previous games to appreciate these finer details that would be harder to pick up.

Truthfully, Alan Wake 2 is a near-flawless game. While I do think some of the enemies are a bit too health spongey and the checkpoint system could be more forgiving, those are just nothing more but minor nitpicks. It's otherwise masterfully executed in game design, narrative, and presentation with its creative multimedia approach.

I'm not a huge horror fan so I can't say with confidence it's one of the greatest horror stories of all time. But what I can say is it's a hallmark of visual and audio entertainment and sets a new standard of story presentation and game design. As far as I know, Alan Wake 2 is easily one of the greatest games of all time and that is something I do not say lightly.

this game does so much crazy shit, both in its story and graphically that it feels like it's pushing the medium forward a ton

A story about the horrors of introspection. I can't imagine horror games, or horror in general, getting better than this. It really shows what the genre of horror is capable of: examining the real and truly terrifying parts of human existence in a way that is digestible for the player.

The brilliant, mind-bending story about self-doubt, fear of loss, and fear of failure is supported by stellar performances, thoroughly spooky environments, terrifying level design and an all time great soundtrack. All cylinders were firing for this one.

The type of game that really makes you think (the best kind of game)

Everything I loved about new Resident Evil mixed with incredible artistic decisions. Highly recommended. My GOTY.

Alan Wake's interwoven narrative and gameplay reminded me once again of what it takes for to be a videogame and how narratives are formatted across various mediums in different times and settings, especially in today's era with amplified intercomplexity. It most certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but its serious effort should be appreciated enough to move the needle within the industry. It will have a special place within me, and that is for ALWAYS.

ps: All the cast were brilliant.

This isn't really my kind of game. I found the gameplay to be a bit boring, the combat too repetitive. Honestly, I wish horror game devs would stop putting loops in every. single. game. While it was exciting when P.T. did it, it never really hit the mark after that.

Yet I still acknowledge that this is an amazing game. It's experimental in a sense, yes, but I admire its willingness to try out new things. I loved the FMV elements, I adored the voice acting and most of the time, I even enjoyed having no idea what the fuck was going on.

And let's face it, the musical sequence was one of the best things I've ever seen in a video game.

Maddening, frequently frustrating - but this love letter to media & art will stay with me forever in the Dark Place. Looking forward to NG+, lots to think about, still stewing on this one.