Wow, I’ve had it pretty rough lately with gaming. I abandoned both Diablo 4 and Outer worlds back to back. I thought Bolt Gun was a sure fire recipe for success. I love old school looking graphics and Boomer Shooters. I loaded the game up and I had a blast in the first two levels. I loved the sense of weight behind the movement. The satisfying meatiness of the gunplay and resulting enemy deaths. The only thing that could hold it back a little was its reliance on following the basic Boomer Shooter gameplay formula. Survive arena shootouts and find a vast horde of keys to progress. The usual Red, blue and yellow keys. A lack of variety doesn’t really matter when the game feels this satisfying to blast through.

So why the low score? Well I played this on Nintendo Switch and my god it ran like absolute horse shit. The frames would drop continuously to the point where playing a full level felt like it was actively damaging my eyes. It’s unplayable in this state and I find it absolutely shocking the devs released this product for sale. The Logos at the start of the game when booted up can’t even run at 30fps. It’s a shame because if I had played this on another console I might have loved this but I have to talk about my experience and on switch, this is a shit show.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024
