1 review liked by Deano_m86

With exaggerated swagger comes great responsibility
Basically an overpriced DLC expansion, but still tons of fun! Gameplay-wise, it's better than the original in a few ways. Combat has been improved thanks to the addition of venom attacks, which make the choice between healing or offense a lot more intriguing. Finishers being tied to combos was also something I quite liked. The web swinging remains the same for the most part, with some added mobility here and there; the animation work is outstanding, and makes the web swinging that much more fun.
The story, while nowhere near as impactful as the first game's, is still serviceable and firmly establishes Miles as one of the best Spider-Men out there. Boring villain, kind of annoying sidekick, great protagonist.
Not really much else to say; it's short and sweet, and probably more replayable than the OG, but maybe don't buy it full price.