Your a courier he gets shot in the head and wakes up in a doctors home with your head patched together. With little information you venture out into a post apocalyptic Mojave in search of the gunman. This game oozes charm. Obsidian did great with the writing. Every stat feels useful and opens up the game to being played in many different ways. You solve missions how you want to solve them. The weapons are fun. The enemies are great call backs to 50s b movies and the factions lead to very interesting outcome. The dlc is a good time with lonesome road being a good end to the game. There is much to explore and uncover. My only gripes would be that you can’t continue the game after you beat it. The plus side is that the modding community for this game is insane leaving you with literally nearly a thousand hours of gameplay. This game can be a glitch fest at times but with modding it can be avoided. I have beaten a replayed this game many times and it is always a delight. I bought this game for 10 dollars on steam with doc included. It’s worth your time. It may feel dated but I got over that fast. In my opinion this best 3d fallout to play.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2022
