Pikmin 2001

Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

August 28, 2023

First played

August 11, 2023

Platforms Played


Just sat down and cleaned this game in one sitting for the second time since idk July, yeah game good

The EX-Pikmin Review

Original Pikmin review

Parts collected: 30/30

So today I sat down and was like "wouldn't it be cool if I beat this game in a single sitting" and then proceeded to not only cut my time in half (ending on day 17) but also basically completing 100% of the game.

I still stand by a lot of what I said but it's a bit more apparent to me how short this game is (I really hope I like Pikmin 2 rip). Big fan of the management and how you can basically master the game by understanding the fundamentals of throwing or just going through with a good army.

Game good

Gonna be really disappointed if the sequel is meh ngl

The comfiest uncomfy game

(Parts collected: 29/30)

Sometime in 2012 I briefly borrowed this game and didn't get too far really. I was incredibly overwhelmed by the time limit and felt that the game was too difficult for me so I didn't put a lot into it until I had to give it back. 11 years later and I gotta say I am an absolute fan of this game and I think it's an incredibly interesting launch title to have for a Nintendo system especially.

I forget who said it but I think there's a quote out there about how a good game is supposed to make you feel smart by doing something that's not super complex and I think the hands-off and pressure-on nature of Pikmin just creates that feeling for me.

Pikmin is a short enough game that I was able to finish it this weekend (even when I thought I'd just try it briefly) but even with my run going pretty smoothly I didn't get the best ending and I think that says enough that there's still more even when you finish it (hence, being a comfy uncomfy game). There's always something I kept working on in this game whether it was finding out when I should throw Pikmin, how to lead them with the controls outside of just basic walking around, etc. and it's something I know isn't really beginner friendly for some but it was just the right amount for me.

I'm not a massive fan of the final area (maybe I'm still salty lol) but I do feel like even with my annoyances that this game brings it only serves to work with the premise of this game being about managing resources whether they be under your control or not.

Anyways yeah highly recommended.