Was kinda underwhelmed by the first game but this more than makes up for it, all of the cases in this game are among the best in the series and the way everything from both games comes together towards the end is something I enjoyed every minute of.

The original was one of my favorite games of all time and I honestly am having trouble deciding which game I prefer now because this one is fucking incredible too

The story and boss fights aren't as good as the original but you can play with a cat in this one so that almost makes up for it

Replayed this version of the game for the extra content it has before the new game comes out. The gameplay is a dumbed down version of the original but this is still a pretty decent way to play one of my all time favorite games regardless

For a game that's gimmick is supposed to be its speed the level design most of the game makes you go as slow as possible.

It's a cool game, but does feel like a step down from VIII, most notably in its story and exploration of its world. The better cast and additions to the gameplay on top of the previous game's already great gameplay make IX still a fun time that I'd recommend.