9 reviews liked by Denk

And he was wearing glasses to show that time had passed.

I've got a lot of mixed feelings about this game. I frequently found myself annoyed at a case because of a convoluted twist that it had taken, or a very obvious clue which was ignored until much later. I don't think the games are exactly stranger to this kind of thing, but I think that they just felt that much clearer to me, or that the timing between when I as the player noticed them was much earlier than how it was arrived at in the case.

The actual mysteries were overall quite solid though. They did a great job at taking many of the tropes and elements of traditional murder mysteries and really working them through before you could arrive at the truth. My favorite was probably 5-2, a locked room mystery which brings you through almost every different kind of solution to the classic problem before you arrive at the truth.

Blackquill is a treat, Fulbright is pretty great. Loved to see Pearls and Trucy again! The other supporting cast was hit or miss for me, which is more than fine. Athena was my least favorite of the new main cast, but she's still fun to work with, if a bit flat. Splitting the playable cast across the three attorneys hindered them I think. They're spread too thin. It's still fun and enjoyable, but I feel less connected to the events in the game because of all the jumping back and forth.

The DS sprites are still far and above my favorites, but the new models in this game offer some cool visuals and animations, especially at the witness stand. Environments actually use the 3DS' 3-D feature which look nice also.

It's hard for me to not love an Ace Attorney game, and I don't want to say that this game is weak. It just… doesn't land as strong.

Edit: Started playing Spirit of Justice and I forgot another big complaint I had: they completely butchered the investigation controls. Literally I do not understand why they completely revamped these controls, they were perfect and intuitive in the DS games and now you're using the touch screen to move a cursor on the top screen and it's so much harder!

Ultrakill feels like it was developed entirely in one night by a dude who snorted a bunch of cocaine, kept saying "you know what would be really sick?" and was right every time

Two Worlds II the 🐐 no 🧢

This review was written before the game released

no thanks! i'd rather throw the 'ol pigskin in the backyard with my five identical adult sons

Would've been higher but this game puts me at risk of hearing machinegun kelly against my will

dawg if I had a choice between dilapidating my balls with a hydraulic press and playing the FInal Boss again? WELL THEN I BID THEE FAREWELL TO MY BOLLOCK(S) NIGGA!!!111

Standing here, I realize you were
Just like me trying to make history.
But who's to judge the right from wrong.
When our guard is down I think we'll both agree.
That violence breeds violence.
But in the end it has to be this way.

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