10 Reviews liked by DeoxysNA

tldr; living in california fucking sucks

plae DMC2 is the beast, donte is good and bets in geaem play game p,.ls

Genuinely my favorite game of all time


i could've never IMAGINED what this game would be like in 3D (i sorta could) but i played this and i was all for it. it was surprisingly manageable and still fun to play on keyboard, which is AWESOME considering this was a game made in a week

everything about this game. everything about celeste is awesome. man. here's to some more years of climbing mountains and finding your true selves.

edit: i forgot to talk about the fact that SHE'S GAY NOW. I KNEW IT. LOVE WINSSSSS

My speedrunning craze is starting to get to me again this 2024, ran through Portal again for the first time in like 2 years and managed to beat my pb by a couple minutes.
Final time, I think a lot of the fun to be had in Portal (and really the sequel as well) is just screwing around and breaking shit. It's a physics based puzzle game, you're more than guaranteed to find some fun tricks and skips if you stop to think for even a couple seconds on some chambers. That's what I love about these two, in a remarkable sense of theming, Portal is a fantastic game to just experiment with, and I adore it.
While the overall vibes and atmosphere might not match up to Portal 2's, it's still really damn good. I'd even go so far as to say that the more "sandbox-y" feel of the first game almost enhances the feeling it emits, especially after playing the second game.

9/10, time for the sub 40 grind.