Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is a third-person shooter and a sequel of PvZ: Garden Warfare. Developed by PopCap Games and released by Electronic Arts in 2016. on PC and 8th-gen consoles.

You take control of both plants and zombies in a small village where each side are trying to progress, both none emerge victorious. Each side you take control has different characters, each with special and passive abilities which can turn sides when fighting in the battlefield.
The story is represented as various missions who are given by different characters. The story overall is okay, but there aren't any memorable mission or events in it.
The main feature of the game is obviously the multiplayer where using those characters represented in the story, you take different multiplayer modes and options, from split-screen, coop PvE to PvP.

All in all, the game offers an acceptable but not as exciting story, which is there just for the player to understand the gameplay and characters for each faction. The main emphasis of the game are its multiplayer features, which offers many modes, different locations, both new and old, from the previous title.

Journey is an adventure indie game developed by Thatgamecompany and released by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2012. on PC, and both PlayStation 3 and 4.

The game doesn't explain you anything, you don't know what's your purpose, mission or background story. You are just left to explore a short and linear world set in an unknown world with different biomes as you progress through chapters.
The game can also be played cooperatively with other unknown travelers where the only way to communicate with him/her is by producing a sound, that's it. Even that sound isn't needed, since this is a casual journey, there isn't anything to think about in this game, just to enjoy it.
The background story develops after finishing each chapter, which is not represented as narrative, but with actions and paintings on walls as you travel from one area to another.
The end of your journey is satisfying, a bit sad, but still full of joy, especially after you fully understand the background story.

All in all, a great, yet short experience in which the story doesn't need to be spoken or written for the player to understand it.


Abzu is an adventure indie game developed by Giant Squid Studios and released by 505 Games in 2016. on PC, consoles and Nintendo Switch. The game can be easily described as an underwater Journey game, which doesn't mean anything negative, quite the opposite.

The game doesn't explain you anything, you don't know what's your purpose, mission or background story. You are just left to explore a short and linear world set in an underwater world.
The background story develops after finishing each chapter, which is not represented as narrative, but with actions and paintings on walls as you travel from one area to another.
The end is satisfying and full of joy, especially after you fully
understand the game.

All in all, a great, yet short experience in which the story doesn't need to be spoken or written for the player to understand it.

Bleach: Brave souls is an online free-to-play beat'em up game developed by KLabGames and released on mobile devices in 2015. and a bit later on PlayStation 4 and PC.

The game is a simple button smash game, where you finish various challenges and quests.
There isn't any game's progression at the beginning since the game decides to give you everything to get to the endgame without problem.
The story is literally a text adventure, with a linear and short action phase where you defeat enemies to progress. There isn't almost any voice lines, everything is text-based. Every mission is rated with three stars where you get one for completing the mission and for the other two you have to finish two more simple task to get all three of them.
The UI is terrible, they haven't done anything to make it a bit better on console and PC, and the same goes for graphics, they are terrible, but at least the game runs really smooth.

All in all, a very simple game with a very simplistic and outdated graphics, it can be seen that the developers invested as least money as possible while making the game, which can be seen from the beginning to the end. It's a good game for low-end mobile devices but for consoles and PCs, this is an outdated gacha game.

SchoolMate 2 is an adult game, released on PC in 2010 in Japan.

The story revolves around a life of a young student, named Yukariko, who got possesed by three spirits, after accidentally breaking the statue of three sisters Suou, Asagi and Kuhaku. The three spirits in order to release Yukariko, want her to do anything they want for 16 days, literally anything, so they use this freedom to have "interactions" with a guy you take control of.
There are no customisations at all, so the guys look is already determined and you can just change its name.
There isn't much of a story, the game only gives a background story just to know what is happening overall. There isn't any love story or anything. The main game is divided into days, more accurate in 17 missions, which are very short and in which every sister decides to have a different "interaction" every day. The way you can distinguish which sister is speaking is by the hairstyle and eye color.
When speaking of different "interactions", there are many of them, every single one has four phases, which can be changed after being given a heart, I would loved if the transation between phases was more fluid.

All in all, a game that could've been a bit more directed towards making also a good story, the game already has everything to build that to a more story-based game.

Batman: Return to Arkham - Arkham Asylum is a remastered version of the 2009. game released on 7th-gen consoles and PC. Now available on 8th-gen consoles and PC. The remastered version offers a more stable perfomance and overall better graphics.

The adventure starts by Batman taking the Joker to the Arkham Asylum and already in the beginning Batman was suspicious about the whole situation as he had no problem capturing him. We soon realise that he was right, Joker has been planing on capturing the Arkham Asylum for months and now Batman stepped right into a trap. It's your job to defeat Joker once more and take the control over Arkham Asylum.
The map of Arkham Asylum is very small and its divided into other smaller areas. This doesn't offer the player any other side activities other than collecting collectables and solving riddles by highlighting the solution.
The combat is basic attack, counterattack control with few other variations by using various special attacks and gadgets at your disposal.
As this is the first game made by Eidos and Rocksteady, the player has to first get used to the new combat system and gadgets, so not all gadgets are available from the start as you unlock others with progressing throughout the story.
The story is very linear and not that long, by the end of it, you will visit every location in the asylum.
The challenges achieved by solving riddles are very hard, the combat challenges takes a great amount of practice and not making a single mistake to get gold, while the predator challenges are easier.

All in all a great introduction to the Batman series, but the small map and very linear story with no side quest other than collectables and riddles which make this game a very short experience with only few boss fights.

Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure game released in 2020. on PlayStation 4 and soon after on PlayStation 5 and PC.

The game tells a story of Jin Sakai, a samurai from the Sakai Clan, whose uncle is the leader of the clan, Lord Shimura. Japan's island Tsushima was attacked by Mongols led by Khotun Khan and the prologue evolves around the battle of Komoda beach which ended tragically with only few samurai left to defend what's worth saving.
Lord Shimura was captured by the Mongols and Jin decided to save him, but unfortunately he isn't even close to defeating Khotun Khan, mainly because of his fighting and dedication to honorable fighting like every samurai.
Soon he realises that he has to change approach and the one who persuaded him to make the first move of becoming the legendary Ghost of Tsushima was Yuna.
The story overall is amazing, the ending, really emotional, I loved every part of it, main quest, side quest and mythical quests, all of them were great, offered a great amount of side content and variability.
The graphics and ambient really contribute to the immersion this game has. Every part of the map is filled with beautiful scenes that look amazing in every time of the in-game day.
The combat is perfect, with skill points you earn new moves and new ways to attack your enemy both when fighting and while being stealth. The game gives you even more stealth options than Assassin's Creed latest games, and those were supposed to be stealth action-adventure games after all.
The only thing I thought was an issue is the great amount of repetitive side content that gives you various boosts to your character, they are all okay but in the late part of the game it starts to become a bit of a drag, nothing serious to effect the game overall.

All in all a wonderful game, which has to be played with japanese audio for sure, for even more immersion. Many games described this game as a better version of Assassin's Creed, at least when we compare the few latest entries. this is a game that Ubisoft will hardly surpass and mostly because of their orientation on making RPG games filled with meaningless content. To conclude, every aspect of the game is perfect from the battle of Komoda beach to the very ending, a masterpiece of a game.

This title of Dream C Club isn't really a game, the only thing you do is just listening to the songs with different characters in the front row, nothing more.

There are many microstransactions for a game that isn't even interactable so it's not worth your money.

All in all, it's not worth it, for trophy hunters it offers an easy way to earn some trophies, nothing more.

Onirigi is a MMORPG which was released in Japan in 2013 and a year later an american version was released with english subtitles.

Onigiri is set in a fictional world in Japan where the land has been filled with various monsters who are attacking shrines and many other places.
At first you have the option to customise your character with a lack of options available and few outfits, later you pick your class, every class has different stats and weapons that can be used. Every class can't just use only one weapon like in other MMORPGs, but here you have a wider set of weapons which can be used depending on the player's playstyle and situation. The character's stats can be modified as you progress throughout the game using and allocating skill points. While playing the story, after some time you get companions, companions are useful if you're playing alone, which in 2023. is completely normal, as there aren't many players playing this.
Even though the gameplay in terms of combat looks awesome, the graphics are really bad and the perfomance is bad when in hometown, even though PlayStation 4 Pro is more than capable of running this game.
The user interfece is really bad, trying to get from an option to the other is a pain while using a controller. All outfits and boost items for your player and companions can be bought in the game store using premium currency which for F2P players is a pain to earn.
The subtitles are buggy sometimes, what happens is that the whole converstion starts to speed up and the voice starts to interfere with each other making many converations a mess.

All in all, this MMORPG has potential in combat and companions system, but the problems in graphics and perfomance made this game an outdated mess.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 is football game like FIFA, but here the developers aren't Electronics Arts, but Konami. Even though the game doesn't have everything licensed, Konami tried their best to have as many licensed clubs and players as they could. They even managed to have all world competitions licensed which at that time was rare.

The gameplay overall is very similar to FIFA, but the game has some distinguishable content which puts the game at the same level as FIFA games. What this game has is Master League and Become a Legend, which can be described as a career as manager and as a football player. The career as a manager is not as complex as Football Manager, but it still offers a good amount of options to enhance the immersion.
The career as a player is very simplified, you just take control of one player (you) during the match and you play your role, when an another club during the transfer window wants you within your team, you can accept or decline the offer.
Apart from those two modes, you have many others where you can play exhibition and league matches, competitions, online (at the time of writing, the servers are closed after the release of PES 2016) and offline co-op matches.
The only thing that can be annoying is the difficulty setting. The difficulty gap between two settings is too noticeable, which for those who mastered the easier difficulty and changed it to a higher one make the change a pain for a while.
Apart from that, as there are many non-licensed teams and there isn't an easy option to change that, everything has to be done manually or you have to find someone others savedata online, which after uploading to your console can erase all your files when overwriting it.

All in all, a great football game, full of content and offers great replayability, but there are some slightly issues and few tweaks that could've been implemented to make the game a bit better.

Minefield is a free-to-play Minesweeper game, just a bit modern than the original.

The game doesn't offer much content, there aren't any major gamemodes or anything, the only thing you can change is the size and difficulty that's it.

All in all, for a free-to-play game you can't expect anything groundbreaking. The gameplay is still the same as the original Minesweeper we used to play when the first Windows came out, but this time slower and a bit more modern.

HiQ Ace Unlimited is an easy semi-free-to-play puzzle game, where you complete an image in a same way as any board puzzle.

The game offers some levels for free. Others have to be bought if you want to complete them. The game doesn't have much content and many of levels which are hidden behind a paywall are short and not worth your money. The game is almost the same as the previous title, the only thing that differs is the content.

All in all, there is no much to say about this game, it is a easy way to earn some PlayStation trophies, to kill sime time and an easy way for the developers to earn a bit of money, if there even is someone interested enough in buying them.

HiQ Ace is an easy semi-free-to-play puzzle game, where you complete an image in a same way as any board puzzle.

The game offers some levels for free. Others have to be bought if you want to complete them. The game doesn't have much content and many of levels which are hidden behind a paywall are short and not worth your money.

All in all, there is no much to say about this game, it is a easy way to earn some PlayStation trophies, to kill some time and an easy way for the developers to earn a bit of money, if there even is someone interested enough in buying them.

KartRider Drift is an online cross-platform free-to-play kart game like many others, which tries to replicate a gameplay similar to Mario Kart and similar games.

The game can be played against bots or other players from any other platform available. The overall look and tracks are fantastic and the game doesn't force you into microtransactions as the kart itself and its driver are just for appearance. The in-game currency are earned as you play the game, that currency can be used to buy in-game items and to upgrade your kart to make your kart faster and more stable, but apart from that there isn't a complex upgrade system, the game just gives you several upgrade points to boost the stats.
The good thing about this game is the possiblity to play with either bots or other players and from almost every platform and the negatives are pretty obvious. The game doesn't offer anything outstanding, the game is similar and more basic in terms of gameplay and variety than other non free-to-play kart game like Mario Kart, Sonic&Sega All-Stars Racing, Crash Team Racing,... The game is mainly about racing and picking items around the map and using them against others.

All in all a great free-to-play for kart enthusiast and for those who aren't in this type of game, and are willing to try it before investing money in more popular kart games. This game doesn't have much content at the moment and the gameplay is really basic in my opinion, I love the tutorials and track variety but it doesn't have that something that outstands from other kart games and what makes it recognizable.

Cuties Hacked is a new semi-free-to-play spin on the classic arcade formula of Xonix, that rewards your reflexes and skills.

The game offers you first few levels for free, others have to be paid to access them, but all of them are pretty funny and challenging in a special way. The main goal of the game is to reveal the photo a certain amount of percentage, after that the whole photo is revealed for itself.

All in all a fun and thrilling game, each level, except the first one or two are going to be easy, those levels serve as an introduction to the game mechanics, but later, the challenge begins.