I liked BF better.
Better combat sure, but the bosses - the part of the game that's meant to highlight combat, are just mechanically boring.

It lives up to the hype, but I'm not really digging it after Zeal to be honest, not feeling compelled enough to finish it at all. I will in a few days, but I definitely won't be replaying it any time soon.

Game falls off hard when you hit endgame.
To start off, Genshin is alright. Gameplay when you're still exploring around Liyue and Inazuma while deep as a puddle, still feels rather fun. The game doesn't stop throwing neuron activating content at you, there is still primogem income through chests, fun-ish quests, and life is good.
When you're done with all of that though? Do yourself a favour and drop the game for a year or two for Mihoyo to add more content. Endgame gameplay loop presents you with zero interesting activities to do. You can: 1) do abyss, 2) grind mats. That means you will be spending your time gated currency on topping out 3-4 characters and moderately upgrading another 4 as your end goal, IF you feel like doing abyss. If you don't want abyss? Well, you've finished the game now, only soulless grind for leaked characters remains.
This should have been released as a GAAS RPG with a different combat system imo, not as a gacha. Would've been better for it.
A lot off assets (particularly environment and growth mats) and themes also look directly ripped from zelda, if that's your thing.

With around 75 days of statcard playtime total, this game is pretty alright. IGN: CarnelianThighs
If you like it, you like it, at higher skill levels gameplay becomes very addictive. War Thunder is the main reason I've gotten a backloggd account in the first place, so I could meaningfully assess my backlog and bring myself to play another game instead of 3manning top tier with the homies again.
Air RB core gameplay loop is fine, and most tiers are fairly alright. There are undertiered aircraft in every bracket, but usually shitters spamming them aren't good enough to make a difference.
As it's a SAAS game, you need to pay at least a bit if you value your time and have a source of income. A few SL grinder props will go a long way to make this more enjoyable, and jet premiums for relevant trees are good value on sale when you consider how much time they save you.