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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 25, 2023

Platforms Played


A softcore power-point car crash that not even the bad press can prepare you for. It's the video game equivalent of hitting a mailbox with a metal bat, lots of power, but the stupidest possible lack of knowledge and intent, that leaves the wielder screaming and clutching their broken fingers.

When it's babbling from the lizard parts of its brain, slamming you with deep fried photos of men in chicken suits and canned kung-fu sound effects, it has a lot of gas, but all of these startling and counter-intuitive design decisions are robbed of any real impact by a deeply misogynistic and homophobic core. If a woman is horny she's shamed. If a man is gay he's ridiculed. And every ounce of narrative is designed to peddle incel refuse at the player, using phrases like "young and stupid" and "uppity" to describe it's only real female character.

You have to see it to believe it, but you're better off a skeptic. This game should be forgotten and to "remaster" it is to pretend it has anything to say.