Scorn 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

October 14, 2022

Platforms Played


The game is beautiful to look at but that's about as far as it goes. The puzzles are stylistic variations on the most common puzzles you see across video games, including slider puzzles, a little timing based lock-picking style minigame, and pushing around hand-trucks.

Environments are confusing to navigate due to the circular symmetry of nearly every location hub, and you'll spend a lot of time lost, stumbling past enemies you don't have enough ammo to do anything but run from.

Speaking of, yeah, this game has combat. Namely the last two thirds of the game are primarily combat. And frankly, it felt clunky and artificially difficult due to reload times, low ammo counts, and high enemy damage output. It also stands out that nearly all promotional material in this game seemed to obscure the presence of this combat, making it a bit of an unwelcome surprise to open the controls menu to see weapon swaps mapped, with all marketing pointing to the game being an adventure game with puzzles.

Overall, Scorn felt like it was trying to hit more notes than it needed to, seemingly out of fear of being accused of being an adventure or walking sim, when it could have been a major hit if it fell into those genres more and relied on tighter design within them.

If you're in it for achievements it's a fast one, if you picked it up because you liked the way it looks, you still will, but if you picked it up hoping for an enigmatic adventure game like I did, you'll be a little let down and frustrated. But it is by no measure a low quality game, so much as the fun is dulled by the title's unsure identity.