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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

June 12, 2023

Platforms Played


It's aged pretty badly, but if you REALLY need a Mortal Kombat fix it'll do. The characters that aren't typical 90s stereotypes are like, gory bio-mechanical abominations that are actually really fun to look at (Skullcrusher and Buzzsaw specifically). The arcade mode is upsettingly easy, and if you don't believe me try hold down and mashing A and watch in awe as the CPU struggles to even walk until around fight eight. Said mode finishes with a boss fight that either bodies you immediately or does an amazing pinata impression seemingly at random.

In 2023 I think Ultra Vortek is probably best engaged with as a "my friend and I have had a few drinks and this is available and funny enough" game, so all in all not a waste, just not a game to play with much clarity of mind.