Totally tubular bro, wanna come round my place to play some Zortch and listen to some P.O.D? I got some Dew in the fridge

when the media literacy hits and it turns out the genocidal robots and man-eating bugs are the good guys

Honestly I think this might be one of the games of all time. There's honestly a lot here I really enjoy. To name a few; the clean visual design is incredible both for gameplay and aesthetics, the music and sound design is also peak, and the light/medium/heavy build gimmick is actually pretty unique and cool. My biggest struggle is which one I like playing the most, but the Heavy's RPG is swinging my vote atm..

Great city builder, not keen on the combat rn. Archers are basically useless in this patch. The system for raising militia is also not well explained and doesn't signpost how to raise militia from individual provinces. I have 2 currently, only 1 is under attack by bandits. Both my provinces have the military resources to spare, so idk why I can't levy my militia where they're needed. Either I can't do it right now or the game ain't telling me.

Still, I see so much potential to this game that I really am quite excited to see where it goes. I might check up on it in a few months or when it leaves EA, whichever comes first. I'm a bit too frustrated with my logistics issues so I'll probably switch gears to play Yakuza 0 for a bit

play any Diplomacy Mod and this game becomes actual perfection.

Swadia supremacy btw, what the fuck are infantry?

despite being a watershed classic at the time this has aged quite badly I think.

With the multiplayer dead and buried outside of custom client launchers, it leaves a 4 hour campaign that has few highlights but also many lows. I feel like people purely replay All Ghillied Up, Shock and Awe, and Ultimatum but forget how aggressively mid the rest of the missions can be, especially without set pieces.

I've played COD 2 and 3, and while they are even more lacking in set pieces they are far less didactic in how the player can proceed with the level, I dearly miss the sandbox-esque feeling of those titles when playing 4, thankfully this was something World at War avoided with gusto.

Sad I didn't like this more upon revisiting but I just know its direct sequels at least have more longevity with Spec Ops and the Museum in MW3

I spoke to your Nintendogs. They understand that you had to move on.