Its the best, finished only 1 route but its amazing, amazing gameplay, amazing story, amazing characters, banger soundtrack, the only problem for me is the graphics but I actually liked it. Overall my favorite game 10/10

Its very good, wish there is more options, the graphics are amazing and the soundtrack, but the lack of options is very restrictive.

Its amazing, but difficulty options and more levels could be good

Its very sandbox, I love sandbox, decent story, amazing mechanics, amazing music and graphics. Could have done more in the sandbox and story as its very restrictive for the sandbox and the story is very generic, want more drama or more B-movie type

Its funny, gameplay is amazing, exploration is amazing too, the story was god tier and very south park, very based game

It has good combat, good music, good graphics and very good story. Not perfect but its very good. My only squabble that its a bit too hard for a difficulty called Normal

Its ehhh. Its a faithful remake but it adds pretty much nothing except for QoL. Honestly dissapointing when HGSS and ORAS are there. Plus the 8 direction change rather than the 4 direction is bad unless you made everyone 8 direction. This remake is dissapointing and lazy. But its Diamond and Pearl so its still good.

Game is phenomenal. Its the current evolution of Pokemon and its amazing. The combat is amazing but held back with shitty controls and camera which are the only flaws of the game. I actually liked the graphics and the capturing segments and story is pretty nice. Overall, my favorite pokemon game of all time. Amazing step forward for Pokemon

Honestly dissapointed and more. The first part and the designs are the only good part of the game. It shifted from beatem up to a shooter then puzzle platformer which sucks and those parts are not even good. The QTEs of the game also sucks bad and story also sucks hard. Dissapointed but for a sequel, I wish its just fully beat em ups

Its an amazing game. I really liked the combat and the exploration game, the world and graphics are beautiful. My problems are that it is somewhat grindy per story mission and its bloated. Its like a duck for foie gras, its bloated yet it will bring a good thing out

I really liked it. Some problems are that the monster is still huge that its hard to control and some mechanics are not that said to the player.

Its amazing, the gameplay is nice, story is amazing and emotional. The cast is dynamic and very funny. Graphics are nice and the songs and ost are a bop. Overall Amazing Game

Its Pokemon, its good but the story is so boring and sluggish, battles felt slower and felt like a slog. Its felt like a first draft of what a game that is meant to be good yet is rushed to meat a deadline

Pretty good, neat story, neat gameplay, amazing world, nice characters, very good graphics but I don't really like the gameplay, the game felt like checking off tasks to progress, it felt very locked but good game

Its amazing, I liked the gameplay and the story. It easily translated and changed the system in 3Houses to make it fit for the Warriors Style. The problem is the frames and that its somewhat repetitive