6 reviews liked by Diamo

Grabbed this on plus and played through with pals in one sitting. Had a fun time with it. The theme tune is still amazing and the nostalgia fest was great. The combat is fine but after a while there wasn’t much of a challenge particularly with bosses as you could spam your specials. I think I just ultimately preferred Steeets of Rage 4 from the same dev.

A very fun throwback to the classic TMNT arcade games of old, but with more modernized mechanics and an exceptionally good OST, courtesy of Tee Lopes.

i'll give an honest review aside from my love for this game and its community, its easily one of my most played games ever. in 2023 this game has more than enough content and characters to have a great time. online is a bit rough since most the casuals have left and new players get intimidated or stomped on by long time veteran players. you can still find some new players around to match up with here and there. i believe it will have a proper revival once the 10th anniversary update rolls around this fall!. check it out online if you haven't heard about it, it'll for sure bring in a wave of new players by then. i recommend giving it a shot or coming back when it drops if you're interested in the online aspect!

Super Paper Mario is the best Mario game, in terms of story and characters, gameplay wise it can be a little annoying and can be frustrating at some points whenever it's jumping on enemies or over gaps, with most simple things to do being more tedious and long, however, the story is amazing for a Mario game, with dark and mature themes mixed in with light hearted environment, with more thought-out characters and even a sad back story for most, overall an amazing game regardless of the gameplay.

One of the greatest fighting games of all time