8 reviews liked by DisgruntledGamer

candy crush and its consequences have been a disaster for mobile gaming

It was an ok game. I appreciated collecting new weapons and being able to upgrade them (even though I didn't really understand the upgrade mechanic). The Hindu mythology aspect was also pretty interesting. It's the studio's first game so it's ultimately simple. But if they make another game, I'll take a look.

a horrific glimpse into a fallen world where indie darlings were rife with hip stick-legged rectangular-crotched pixel art and including neither gameplay nor writing was considered brave instead of a perversion of The Way as ordained by pious gamers. a meaningless showcase with no lose state, in other words entirely for game journos. they'd still praise this today but at least we aren't collectively putting every product of a game jam on a pedestal anymore

i completed the 999 line mode and then stopped. what more do i have to accomplish?

This game was crack cocaine circa 2006. Too bad the chat was full of diddlers. Haven't played it in over a decade but I hear it sucks now. I wonder if they got the diddlers under control.


Minimalism and expansion are the twin principles here. Minimalism that drip-feeds your complicit imagination; expansion that is not about accumulation but level-shifting. Together they twist your expectations – just as you master one rhythm, the music changes. If A Dark Room doesn’t deepen much upon replay, there’s still nothing like your first time.

So the less said, the better. But if you want more, you’ve been warned.

Why so rapacious? Why explore a system, a world anyway? Where does it end? For when wonder yields to hunger, unsatisfied, unsatisfiable, we end up alone, in rooms, playing endless games in the dark.