295 Reviews liked by Dizzy

After 11 years of playing this game I actually got around to finish the story, look at me go I’m gamer of the year.

The backwater swamps of Louisiana have darkness hiding deep in their midst. The Baker family estate oozes this darkness and invites you to look deeper. The siren call of the Baker estate is equal parts alluring and off-putting; it’s arguably the most well-designed and haunting setting within a horror game to date. Its derelict and rotted-out interiors are meticulously constructed in such a way as to leave you feeling unnerved and repulsed by the rot and mould that surrounds you. The gameplay also lends itself well to the game's setting and design, as it reigns in the camera to a first-person view and disempowers the player, which is in stark contrast to Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6, which upped the ante action-wise and emphasised faster gameplay. It’s a nice change of pace and helps strengthen the feeling of intimate slow-burn horror it sets out to achieve, which is nearly ever-present for most of the game. In almost all areas, Biohazard excels at everything it sets out to do and cements itself as a modern classic of survival horror.

...proof that drip and swag are all that matter in this world

make no mistake - i'm not just linking back to another review of mine for the sake of drawing attention to some obscure gem i happen to like. no - kileak just happens to be a complete and utter ripoff of iron angel of the apocalypse (or tetsujin in japan) by synergy inc. what the fuck is iron angel of the apocalypse? what the fuck is kileak?? why would one rip off the other??? all of these are valid questions you probably don't have that i will be answering anyway

i hardly believed it myself at first. but after booting it up and playing a couple stages, all i could think was "this is like if tetsujin ran smoother at the cost of its entire personality". and by golly - that's exactly the case!

y'see, tetsujin dropped in 1994 on the 3DO. i'd wager about three people in total played it outside of japan. maybe three and a half, but that's pushing it. anyway - like synergy inc, genki was a 3DO developer that released 'burning soldier', an fmv-based rail shooter just a couple months after tetsujin. so given that both companies had a thing for videos, cg and guns i don't think it's a stretch of the imagination to infer that some of the fellas over at genki played and got a spark of inspiration from synergy's negative framerate nightmare crawler

the similarities here are shameless. instead of controlling a mech that's ascending a tower you're operating a mech that's... descending a tower! enemies are laid out in alike fashion (though they tend to fight back more) and levels are totally corridor-based, only ever allowing you to strafe more than a few centimeters when inside the box-shaped spaces that link halls together. even the fmvs are nigh identical in how they're placed throughout the levels - being triggered either by interacting with certain objects or through codec-esque calls while walking around. see this for yourself

to kileak's credit, it does have significantly greater enemy variety (not saying much), better controls and runs at a pretty stable 60fps. on the other hand, it's just not fun. kinda hard to get invested in a shooter where you can infinitely stock ammo for weapons that have infinite range. literally 80% of the enemies in this game can be killed before even being encountered. this even applies to some bosses. shout out to the final one btw - i think i killed him before he even fired off a single attack. made me laugh pretty hard and in fairness, gave me more enjoyment than the rest of the game

anyway this is painfully mediocre and a pale imitation of something cooler. don't bother unless you're like me and you feel some irrational need to play the sole tetsujin-like

This is surprisingly kinda good and somehow makes Immanuel Kant interesting...? I jest. I didn't expect myself to enjoy this at all, but honestly, it's a pretty unique and engaging way to explore a philosophical concept. The relationship depicted falls flat and feels ersatz, but I'm still pretty impressed that they were able to succinctly explain the thing-in-itself in such a unique way. 

One of the most deeply tender, sweet, and unapologetically stupid games ever. Life is Strange perfectly captures early-2010’s millennial youth culture in the most endearing and earnest way possible. I wholeheartedly love this game, stupid quirks and all.

Beneath the surface of Resident Evil 4 Remake’s 4K high-definition models, textures, and overly-polished sterile gameplay lies the rotting reactionary corpse of modernity. Resident Evil 4 Remake represents the logical end-point for art under late-stage capitalism, where creators are in a petrified state of artistic stasis where everything old must be modernised, updated, and ‘fixed’. I cannot bring myself to care about this game or the two remakes that preceded it. It’s become a homogenous and trite blob of nothingness, void of any soul or integrity.

Do not let the guys who make unironic Walter White sigma edits on tiktok find out about this game.

A game that fails in almost every regard. Broken network play, repulsive looking models, barely-functioning gameplay, etc. This is a 161-gigabyte game and none of that is functional and coherent code. Sad face!

the "friction" in this game is hotly debated but i think a lot of it stems from this fact that this game is pretty fundamentally flawed on a structural level. the insanely stunted fast travel is done entirely on purpose not to instill a sense of adventure in the player, but because walking across dirt roads and fighting the same three enemies is literally the meat of the game. that is the gameplay, and if you don't REALLY fuck with it then you have my pass to give up on it without feeling like you're losing out on your gamer badge of honor. fighting guys does feel really good but its hard not to feel like -- yet again -- im just playing the demo for the actual dragons dogma.

cant say that i or anybody else should be disappointed because a lotta folks are gonna come to find out thats just what dragons dogma is, but if this game is going to continue that tradition then i gotta come to the same conclusion i think a lot of people come to: dragons dogma is really just ok

This is a classic. Not the best game ever but it came free with the console and it got funny really quick

It’s a classic. Not my favorite game but I never met anyone who dislikes this game

I am tired of this game, but to me this is still one of the most important and influential mobile games

I don’t like the jumping boots in subway surfers, yes they make it so you can jump higher but they make it harder to land where you want too. Plus you can miss a lot of coins, I rather get a jet pack then boots. Now let’s talk about the jet pack in subway surfers. Shit is pretty OP not gonna lie, really hits you with some dopamine when you fly over hundreds of trains in the matter of seconds. Also, bonus points if you got that dog in you and you collect all the coins while flying. Now what about the magnet from subway surfers? Shit is probably somewhere between the gay boots and the W jet pack, almost feels like someone is cumming inside of you when all those coins fly to you. Sorry, that was maybe out of pocket.

Playing this with your older gamer brother is the best experience a man can have!

I’m really disappointed with Dragon’s Dogma II because it has a lot of really cool concepts and ideas here that I like, but the experience thus far has been rough after about 10 hours of play. I’m not really enjoying myself like I expected I would. I like a lot of things here, but the overall gameplay loop, story, and design leave a lot to be desired, and I don’t think what I’ve seen so far is going to coalesce into something that I feel satisfied with.