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This feels like an overall improvement over the original with tighter controls, branching paths (not to be confused with branching stages), better visuals and just better balance.

I still have no idea what's going on in the story besides good dragon shoot down bad dragon, but the world has such a cool otherworldly design that I didn't really care. This also features much cooler setpieces than the first game.

The shooting is easier on the hands to fire rapid shots which my thumb is grateful for. Shooting things down is much more satisfying with better feedback and good visuals.

My only complaints are similar to the first where it is really short for an on-rails shooter. At least there is more replayability here with branching paths in levels. My other issue is the fact that the dodge button is tied to hitting the movement pad twice, which is not convenient and screw the flow gameplay up, as opposed to pressing a single button to dodge (seriously there are so many unused buttons here).

This is a very good on-rails shooter with some great atmosphere and music. Worth a play for rail shooter fans. I look forward to delving further into this world as an RPG with Panzer Dragoon Saga.