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April 29, 2024

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Is it Platinum game to end all Platinum games? A lot of people think so depending on who you ask. The Wonderful 101 feels like a celebration of Platinum games (incl. Clover) as a studio, as well as a homage to all the mechanics that made them who they are today.

The artstyle/writing of Viewtiful Joe. The crazy fast-paced + witch time combo based combat system of Bayonetta. The insane setpieces of Metal Gear Rising. The drawing system taken straight out of Okami. The skill ceiling of God Hand. The almost endless replayability of like 90% of their games. Platinum really looked at some of the best concepts in their previous games and decided to put it all into one wonderful game. And rather than being a mess of ideas, everything works perfectly together to make something beautiful.

In the past, I've always shrugged off W101 because it looked like some kind of Pikmin clone with some action mechanics. However after recently playing some Platinum titles such as God Hand and Bayo 3, I was in the mood to give W101 a try. It shocked me to find that W101 is a game that has everything I love about Platinum titles and more, and not some kind of Pikmin clone (lmao what was I thinking).

It is an action game, but also a puzzle of some sorts. The action is what you expect from Platinum titles. Good quality satisfying punchy fast paced combat, and it is done well here like any other Platinum title. It is balanced well in both offence and defence, and if you are playing anything above Normal mode, you can win by just being offensive. The puzzle aspect of the game is actually also in the combat. In order to change weapons, you need to draw (Okami Style) the weapon formation. e.g. for the fist weapon, using the right analog stick, you draw a ciricle, or for a sword you draw a straight line. You get a whole different weapons to choose from so drawing the formation is part of the charm. Each enemy has certain weapons as weaknesses you'll need to use in order to destroy them. You can't just go around using your fist or blade weapon destroying everything in your path, you need to actually think about what you need to do, making this my favorite Platinum combat system. It is a great balance of need good action game skills, but also being clever with how you need to exploit enemy weaknesses. I could play so many games with this sort of combat system, it is seriously so good.

Everything else in the game is just a solid 10/10 from the story to writing to level design and set pieces. Some of the most insane moments I've ever seen in gaming is in this game. Like some serious Asuras Wrath shit. It isn't deep or thoughtful in the sense that most games try to be, the deepness is all in the gameplay - and I love it for that. The game knows it's nothing but absolutely fun and prides itself with that. This is an insane video game, and does the type of shit that can only be accomplished in this medium. This is what I play videogames for.