In the midyear drought of new games, I decided to actually go back into my backlog and complete some stuff.

Now here's a bit of a shameful secret of mine, despite BOTW being one of my favourite games of all time, I've never actually finished any other Zelda games besides Twilight Princess. Ocarina of Time being THE Zelda game, I decided to complete this one first as I officially started my Zelda Marathon.

My history OOT is a brief one. I picked it up as a kid, played to the point of getting to Adult Link, saw a re dead and dropped the game because I was too chicken to continue playing.

I started playing the N64 version on my switch however the 20fps and extremely slow crawling text was making me lose my mind. After hearing the 3ds version fixed all those issues, I played that version instead.

People are definitely right about OOT being THE Zelda game as it has everything you would expect from a Zelda game without any gimmicks that newer Zelda games tend to have. An 8 dungeon romp with a nice little open world with enough puzzles and secrets to keep you entertained for hours and hours. It was quite a masterpiece back then and still is today.

The story of this game is pretty basic, evil man wants the ultimate power to rule the world and you're the chosen hero to stop him. However the strength is not in the story but the world of Hyrule, which the way this is executed continues to make this game a masterpiece to this day. The way how you spend the first half of this game as a child exploring all of Hyrule, meeting characters all over the world and learning about their lives through side quests, and then travelling 7 years into the future after Ganondorf has taken over Hyrule and seeing how this has affected all the character's lives you have met 7 years later is so immersive and masterful.

The gameplay is also fun. The combat isn't anything to write home about however the puzzles and exploration in this game are still unmatched. Dungeons are self explanatory; a series of rooms full of puzzles you need to solve with the items you have acquired throughout the game, which are absolutely so fun to solve and I believe is the core of OOT.

The exploration is Mwah chefs kiss. There is no feeling more rewarding than exploring an open world, seeing a place you can't get to, and then coming back to that place once you realise you have the item to help you get there, only to be rewarded with a new item, or heart piece. This satisfaction of exploration definitely scratches my metroidvania itch.

OOT is a great solid masterpiece that I can recommend to anyone. The N64 version on the Switch is still playable if you don't care about framerate and slow crawling text, however I recommend picking up the 3ds version if you can. I also implore Nintendo to port the 3ds version of this game and Majora's Mask to the switch. I would pay the full $99 for that.

Reviewed on Jan 16, 2024
