(Review is of the JP version patched English patched which is the only way you should play this game)

So far everything I've played in Treasure's gameography has been super fun, chaotic, satisfying and arcadey - something I've been a really big fan of when playing retro games is that Treasure really capture a timeless feel, like a super arcadey game that feels like it could still be made today. Dynamite Headdy is another go at the Platforming genre after McDonalds Treasure Island but now using their own original IP.

This is a very special game and truly shows what Treasure are capable of making when not bound to a licensed title. It feels like the platformer they really wanted to make when making McDonalds Treasure Island taking all the weird zany art including strange world and enemy designs and just going all out bonkers with it. Dynamite Headdy feels like such a strange weird world with talking acting puppets, cats, angels - even the soundtrack is very strange in a fun way. I love it, it just feels like a fever dream on acid.

Gameplay-wise it is a platfomer we've come to expect from the 90s. The main character can attack by throwing his head in 8 directions - kinda like Rayman's punch if his fist was his head - and you can collect plenty of power ups for your head such as turning it into a hammer for stronger throws, or making it a pig snout that shoots out homing pellets like a Gunstar Heroes weapon. It's simple but satisfying gameplay, and the levels themselves aren't usually too hard.
There are lots of secrets to be found in this game that could lead to extra bossfights, so this is definitely a highly replayable game as most games by Treasure are.

Where the real challenge is are the bossfights. Some of these are the best parts of the game while others are the worst. Every bossfight boils down to dodging their attacks and throwing your head at their weak spots. A lot of these are fun, but towards the end of the game a lot of the fights are brutal to the point where it can become unfun.

Just like Rocket Knight Adventures, another great game on the Genesis, the game is full of setpieces that diversify the gameplay so you aren't just platforming. You have shmup sections, quiz sections, minigames etc etc. They're all creative, well done and I enjoy these sections as much as the standard gameplay.

This is a Treasure game so naturally the visuals/effects/feedback are all incredible. I'm not gonna get into it much but these are some of the most visually pleasing sprites for the Genesis.

Dynamite Headdy is certainly one of Genesis' gems that you don't hear about much today, probably due to the botched western release, but I really enjoyed this game and is easily one of my favorites for the Genesis. A great game that is just shy of being amazing due to some of the bad difficulty spikes towards the end.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2024


2 days ago

DYNAMITE HEADDY! love this game

2 days ago

Glad you enjoyed this one, easily a top 5 md game imo