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beatstar reviewed The Powder Toy
Wonderful memories, well ahead of its time game.

9 hrs ago

9 hrs ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

beatstar reviewed GunZ: The Duel
Loved playing with GunZ as a kid. Learning J-Style, K-Style, etc. The multiplayer offered both PvP and PvE action. Licensing of the game was so inconsistent though, it went from MAIET to Ijji to idk lol, and of course you can't forget about the awesome private server community. In terms of an actual story, however, it was a total mess. The simplistic execution that drew in skillers from all over the world (and the fact you often found yourself in their presence) was the charm itself.

4 days ago

4 days ago

beatstar reviewed Bloxeed
Arcade Tetris with a versus mode. Officially licensed, but SEGA decided not to use the Tetris name for some reason.

4 days ago

beatstar played Bloxeed

4 days ago

beatstar reviewed Klax
Tetris meets Guitar Hero, with coin-op mechanics. Fun mechanics like sending back pieces you don’t want for a few moments and having to meet certain criteria for each mission.

4 days ago

beatstar played Klax

4 days ago

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