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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 9, 2024

First played

April 8, 2024

Platforms Played


It might come to mind that Yacht Club is exploiting its franchise a bit too much, dragging it in directions that seem ill-fitting and far too experimental, but here again we are faced with success. Rather than bending the series to fit into a different well-coded game structure, Shovel Knight Dig proudly reinterprets the roguelike in its own style, managing both to stay true to its origins and to come up with something different and new. The roguelite mechanisms are perfectly matched to the action, which remains somewhat strongly linked to the classic Shovel Knight action, especially in terms of the feeling provided by the gameplay and character control. It is also enhanced by a representation derived from the usual care in retro 16-bit style aesthetics. It's true that the levels are a bit few in the end and the semi-permanent death mechanic can be frustrating, but it's easy to get caught up in the formula and keep throwing yourself down the well, armed with a shovel.