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I mean its alriiight like..

I tried playing this game once before and could not get past to beginning mission because I was so uninterested. A year or two goes by and here I am actually in the mood to play it and complete it. A game with a huge budget and unique effects still ends up making a story centered around time machines and chronostasis quite unforgettable and very hard to make me get invested in. If you told me several years ago a game has tv episodes between chapters of a game I would probably despise it saying “THATS SO STOOOPID!!” Although I turned out kinda enjoying them and made me care alittle more for the characters I already barely gave a damn about. How did we go from Alan Wake to this is beyond me and I cant wait to play Control, but this one just misses the mark and falls short in alot of aspects of its creation. Not terrible, not great, just meh.