Dude, you got Resident Evil all in my 2D SNES game!

As far as old school survival horror goes this game was not what I was expecting, but was pretty fun once you get the hang of the unique way of fighting enemies. As far as the horror goes, it was mainly in the environments and some of the enemy designs. On the other hand, with the beautiful cover art this game displays it really feels like you are playing through an episode of a 90s style anime of a girl that exorcises ghosts while exploring different places and solving cases every episode also including how she always is cracking jokes and talking about how much of a goddess she sees herself as. I made the crucial mistake of not expecting such a jump in difficulty close towards the end and if you do not conserve ammo and health items you will get screwed. I went from having 2 deaths to 30 by the end of the game and was fortunate to beat the game by examining every piece of furniture in every room where you can sometimes find some ammo and health by doing so. Still overall it is a pretty nice game to play and I feel we do not get many like this besides the rpgmaker horror game scene, but this truly felt like a SNES classic. The lack of a map kinda stinks, but you will be okay without one as the map is not gigantic or anything.

A tragic story revolving the ghost that haunts an art academy turned out to be really sweet and cute in its own way. Although that little kid Pepe that called people weirdos for eating mint chocolate chip ice cream was a bit uncalled for..

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023


8 months ago

I didn't know this was a game until now but as soon as I get home I'm getting it just based off your first sentence.

8 months ago

@DVince89 Yeah its pretty cool game and pretty unique, definitely give it a try! My buddy @Astroboymario told me about it one day and I eventually picked it up. I think its only on the Switch and Steam.