L2AGO #3

ChuChu Rocket isn't a very long puzzle game, but it's definitely a distinctive classic that I keep coming back to every now and then. The puzzle mode consists of placing down directional tiles and running the simulations to ensure that your ChuChus (cartoon mice) make it to the rockets without the orange chompy cats catching your mice, running into your rockets, or your mice falling into pitfall traps. It starts out simply enough, but the later levels get quite cerebral and will definitely stress test your patience; fortunately, trial & error comes to the rescue and the ability to fast forward and stop simulations makes hammering out solutions much more straightforward. The real gem of ChuChu Rocket however, is in its multiplayer party mode. Up to four players can engage in the same arena to stuff as many ChuChus into their rockets as possible while simultaneously placing down directional tiles to both channel ChuChus towards them and orange cats away from them and into their friends' rockets. Combined with the occasional chance time events via Mystery ChuChus to shake things up (like Mouse Mania, which will cause a splurge of ChuChus to appear, or Speed Up which will really test just how well prepared you are), it's one hell of a chaotic fest. Oh, and you can create puzzles for your friends to solve too with its excellent in-game editor. Give ChuChu Rocket a try if you're looking for something different, especially if you just want a riot with some friends over the weekend!

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2022


1 year ago

I'd be down to play this online with you if your Dreamcast is online capable

1 year ago

I've just been emulating everything recently and really need to get into the retro console market myself when I've got a more stable income. I'm totally down for Flycast Dojo netplay though!

1 year ago

I've actually played PSO online on console with a friend on Flycast, though I don't know if that'd be possible with this game. The PSO fan servers are designed to work across multiple platforms. I don't have a computer (or at least one powerful enough to emulate at an acceptable enough level to do netplay) so if cross-play between Dreampi and Flycast isn't possible than it's off the table. Oh well.