Fun GameCube gem. Short but that helps with the repetitive parts not being as bad1

Inferior remake but still one of the greatest games ever made

Fun co-op game. A good appetizer for River City Girls 2

Still a fun and impressive handheld title with a surprisingly emotional conclusion. Short but in that it doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, lacking in boss fights, and some camera issues when fighting larger enemies. Played on PSP Go

Nearly perfect expansion for a terrific MMO. Perfectly paced story with plenty of payoff and emotional moments, massive new zones to explore, great dungeons with the addition of the Trust system that allows you run through story dungeons with NPC party members, lessening the disconnect between dungeons and story. As well as building and refining the core gameplay, having the best Trial fights up to this point, and another A+ score from Masayoshi Soken adding to the whole experience