RE5 is a fun game if you play co-op. Played the hd remaster split screen co-op with my cousin and we finished it over 3 days. I can't say anything about playing solo, but I've heard nothing but horror stories from people who tried playing this with the AI so I'd recommend to play with another person if you can.

At its best RE5 is just as fun as RE4, but it never surpasses it. A lot of RE5 is very derivative of RE4. 5 borrows a lot of iconic set pieces and enemy types from 4 without making any significant changes besides the setting.

The tone is all over the place with 5 as well. It's very funny and enjoyable throughout, but I felt like I was laughing at the game a majority of the time then with it. The original 4 RE games are cheesy but that helped give those games a charm and unique identity and game across more tongue and cheek in 4 in particular. RE5 feels like it's taking this cheesy moments more seriously and stuff like constant freeze frames and slow motion replays of the "epic" moments don't come across as self aware (although they are still very funny). The infamous funny moments are just as funny playing through them even if you've seen them thousands of times (boulder punching, throwing eggs at wesker, etc.).

As far as controls go it controls like a faster paced RE4. The faster paced controls help make the game feel a little more fluid than RE4 and the enemies all move faster and are more aggressive to compensate for this. The faster controls made it easier to keep up with the faster moving bosses as well. Headshots are still just as satisfying to pull off and the new follow up attacks to staggered enemies are really funny and over the top. Overall I'd say the game is easier than RE4 with nothing coming as close to the hardest sections from the game (e.g. water hall, novistador dome, etc.). The QTE's also felt less prominent than in RE4 and the timing of most of them felt more forgiving than 4 with a few exceptions (i.e. dodging Wesker's punches in the DLC).

Overall I had a good time with RE5. I'm happy I'd play it and I'd probably play it again with someone if they asked me to. Even if it feels very samey but lesser to RE4 in a lot of ways I can't deny that 5 is a good time co-op. Plus it has Wesker at his cheesiest and funniest and I just love that guy.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023


9 months ago

banger review as always, my friend x)

9 months ago

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9 months ago

Appreciate it @Dalaamclouds! I can only hope my reviews hit as hard as Chris hits boulders xD