OneShot 2016

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OneShot is a wonderful little RPG where you guide a child character through a world filled with a quirky ensemble of characters, with some neat puzzles, fourth-wall breaks, and a bullet-hell battle syst--... wait, scratch that last one.

Yes, comparisons to Undertale are inevitable; both have a similar writing style and were released close to each other. Undertale's unfathomable popularity leaves OneShot feeling a bit neglected, but it has strong points of its own. Niko's personality is well-written, managing to keep a curious precociousness without tipping too far into immaturity. The game's soundtrack is a soothing, minimalistic, almost lo-fi swirl, pairing well with the somber world.

Without spoiling anything, some of the game's unique puzzle mechanics are a bit obtuse, and I needed a guide to get through some of them. Nothing that ruined the game experience, but some did feel more like gimmicks put in because it was possible to implement, rather than ones that were satisfying to solve. (Though I will admit I'm not the best at parsing everything that's being telegraphed at me.)

The story is quite lighthearted, even as it can dip into heavier tones. I personally think the Solstice expansion, while definitely expanding on the world in a positive way, undoes part of what makes the endings of the original form of the game work. I don't feel overall soured by the change.

Overall, I think its strengths still shine (no pun intended) through its weaknesses and can still recommend this charming little game.