This game will allow you to build your dream gun and then use it to kill thousands of cops

I played only the first two worlds. I really liked the first two but this one kind of feels like a slightly shittier one. I might give it a second try with the gf cause they wanna roast it with me but it's just so boring. The worlds don't look cool, the dialogue is ultra-cringe and mostly just fluffy dialogue of no substance. Non-stop cut scenes of the three of them talking about the direction they're going. Who the fuck wrote this? Why did they think every cut scene was necessary? Kingdom Hearts is by far the worst written games I've ever played. And it doesn't even need to be that way. If they eradicated 80% of the cut scenes it would be significantly more tolerable and wouldn't come across like it was written by an eight year old.

Incredibly fun campaign, but it's short and there are no extra modes.

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I'm already not a fan of walking sims, but I give them a chance from time to time. This has its moments as far as immersion and gameplay go, but the game basically justifies a relationship between a middle aged man and an underage teenager and that's it, that's the story. It's terrible and disgusting.

Really only minus a point cause the pc version crashed so much