damn fine way to experience my favourite game of all time. as always with these types of releases, the 4th wall breaks are massively undermined by the virtual desktop but the extra artwork more than makes up for it

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solid contender for my favourite game of all time. everything about it is perfect to me; the world it thrusts you into is exquisite. the characters, both in their designs and their characterization, are probably my favourite cast of any videogame ever. the soundtrack is immaculate, etc etc. you get my point.

this game means more to me than you could ever imagine. it feels like it's always been a part of my life, and it probably will always be a part of my life. no matter how hard the times get, or how much the future seems bleak, i can always revisit niko's memories through the hologram of the world machine, and for the few hours that my playthrough lasts, i'll always feel like i'm back home.