Best card-based roguelike since Slay the Spire. Avoid at all cost if you want to be productive with your life.


Decent litte game that mixes gungeon gameplay (bosses only) with hyper light drifter map design and art style.

Incredible atmosphere, exploration and soundtrack unfortunately tainted by combat that, despite offering a huge arsenal of weapons and spells, feels monotonous due to bare-bones and predictable enemy AI.

Still a great game that I recommend if you like exploring and finding secrets. It gets really weird with the secret endings :)

Lunacid made me a fan of Kira's style and from now on, I will likely play everything they release.

Great game with a great story. My only complaint is that I feel like you are incredibly overpowered throughout the whole game, and while it was satisfying to feel almost invincible and destroy everything with ease, it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of challenge.

If you liked Sanabi, I would also recommend checking out Ghostrunner, Rusted Moss and Katana Zero.

Lords of the Fallen "2" is a competent soulslike that had a lot more potential than what was delivered. Unfortunately, it released right after Lies of P, and therefore got treated much worse than it deserved.

While no boss was particularly wowing, LOTF was a solid experience throughout. It brought nice additions to the genre in the form of the withered health mechanic, the umbral world and being able to re-fight previously defeated bosses at anytime. I think it's easy to look over these things and call this game "bad" by comparing it to its best competitors in the genre, but as a standalone game, I think it's a success, especially considering the original title from 2014.