1 review liked by Eggnog_Samurai

A major downgrade in style and identity from its criminally underappreciated predecessor. I know that the same YouTubers who destroyed the first game said this one was okay to like, but come on - every single level here (outside of its titular Impossible Lair, an exemplary feat of difficult platforming) feels pretty much indistinguishable from the last. The hub world stuff is fun and inventive as expected, reminiscent of the genuine whimsy that the first game had, but the main stages are your standard (and I mean standard) baseline 3D side-scroller fare with nothing too new or nostalgic to offer (again... unlike the first - which offered both). I also find this one to be way less funny, engaging, and atmospheric. Another case of heavily watering-down a sequel after backlash from the previous game resulting in a fine but overall less engaging experience.