4 Reviews liked by Eisen

For a spinoff portable game this was surprisingly really fun. The combat, like in God of War II, feels a lot more fair and fun compared to the original. The magic abilities weren't anything special and kinda just slightly different versions of past ones, but they are still fun to use. Zeus's gauntlet was a fun weapon as well. I usually like to make long and detailed reviews (at least as of recently) but there honestly just isnt much to say about this. Its fun, the finale was pretty sweet and boy are there lots of titties, far more than even the first game so I think that makes it the best one.
Only real complaint is the Helios temple section went on a little too long and I really dislike how much this series still relies on quick time events. Not much of a complaint but you get an absurd number of red orbs in this, i had like 70,000 at the end even after upgrading everything fully.
That all being said, the psp graphics are really charming, the story is good and if you just want more god of war then this is a damn good spinoff. I think Ill come back to platinum this in the future.

Side note: I beat Resistance 3 earlier today so the completion numbers are a little off here. I plan to review that once I get the platinum trophy :3

Trophy Completion - 82% (33/36)
Time Played - 7 hours 37 minutes
Nancymeter - 76/100
Game Completion #58 of 2022
May Completion #8

Para um jogo que se propõe a ser "apenas" um prequel do tão elogiado Ritual of the Night, esse jogo é incrivelmente divertido, muito bem acabado e polido e de certa forma até desafiador, apesar dos plots serem bem clichês, até para deixar o suspense para o novo jogo. É também uma ótima homenagem a jogos 8 bits antigos, e muito gostoso de jogar. Para quem quer matar a saudade de Castlevania 3, é uma ótima recomendação. :)

I'm part of the D.I.C.K squad. (Dunwall's Ice Cold Killer).

When you play this game like a maniac out for blood, using every single violent tool at your disposal, you end up looking like if Agent 47 had the skillset of Dante. Every aspect of that game absolutely rocks. When you're not playing that game, either because you're trying to pay attention to a plot with a million celebrity voice actors who KNOW this is the easiest paycheck they ever got during 2012 or because, god forbid, you're playing the game without breaking out that knife a single time - shit, is it dull.

It's a shame too, since Dunwall is a fun place and the world it paints manages to evoke a melancholy feeling in me, not to mention the fact that I think the art design and direction is pretty aces.

Your adopted daughter in this game draws four different images based on how much of a nice guy or a bastard you are and they're all (unintentionally) hilarious.