106 Reviews liked by El_Perro_Loko

Isso aqui é nada mais nada menos do que uma psyop para induzir homens a ser pais de menina.


One of the best survival horror movies ever made, and a accurate representation of what can be done with this franchise in the gaming medium.

O melhor jogo de terror de todos os tempos.

É lego, brainlet até dizer chega, não tem oque fazer.
É feito pra criança até 10 anos que não tem coisa melhor pra jogar, não sei se jogarei os outros.


Tech demo de luxo 2!

Hellblade 2 como obra videogamistica não te entrega nada, nada justifica isso ser um jogo, carece dos 3 tipos de desafios que uso pra definir um vídeo jogo, como um filme funcionaria muito melhor pra oque eles queriam fazer.
Me impressiona o 1o ser simplório e esse aqui conseguir ser inferior a ele em quase tudo, esse só é superior em seu gráfico e sound designe, todo o resto como combate, level designe e progressão são inferiores.
Ele como uma tech demo que é um sólido 5/10, mid como jogo não oferece nada de interessante.

Um adendo, não vejo sentido em enaltecer tanto esse jogo e ao mesmo tempo falar mal ou escureçar the order 1886 e ryss son of rome, são os mesmos tipos de jogos, tech demos. Mas não sei porque, criou-se na cabeça do público e mídia que hellblade é algo a mais que esses.

Yakuza com skin de Dragon ball Z.



GOW 2018 but good, this game was such a great experience. There's def a lot of stuff about this game that I think a lot of people don't give credit towards which I do wanna go over. I know the game isn’t supposed to tell an incredibly serious narrative but god damn it I had so much fun with the story. It knows it’s not supposed to take itself seriously and it just has fun with a lot of stuff it tries to do. There wasn’t a single cutscene in this game that had me bored or made me want to skip. The voice acting itself is also insanely good. Yes some of it is cheesy but it fits with the tone of this game and is incredibly entertaining. I especially love Gene and Azels voices. I didn’t expect going into this game to be loving the soundtrack. There isn’t a single song in this game I even thought about wanting to turn off. All of the songs are just bangers. I’m very fond of Floating Fort. The combat is well, fantastic but I don’t think I needed to tell you that. The different movesets you can create take this game to a whole nother level. I like the approach the game takes with its utilization of the combat since it felt more about efficiency than trying to be stylish. The difficulty level meter is just genius. The enemy design is very good as there aren’t any enemies I had gripes with off the top of my head. While the general stage design is usually straightforward I don’t mind it since I prefer they focus on the gameplay for the whole game.
There are a few gripes I do have. Just mainly with some bosses as a handful of the big demon guys were just kinda alright but they never reached the level of awful. Despite it being incredibly hard, it never felt unfair as you’re always in control of each situation that you’re in and the tools you’re given are more than enough to complete each stage. All in all I can say that this game, despite being one of the most difficult games I’ve played, is also one of the most fun.

Esse jogo é uma aula, aula de como encher linguiça.

Ele é extremamente arrastado e não sabe a hora de acabar, eu consegui contar um 5 finais. A dinâmica com alien é legal nos 1os 8 capítulos, depois vira um loop de gameplay insuportável onde você já tá de saco cheio daquele bicho e taca fogo logo pra ele ir embora.
As últimas 6hrs de jogo são uma demonstração de como não dirigir um jogo, ele te joga pra um trecho enorme onde você só enfrenta androides onde o combate do jogo não se encaixa, é um jogo perdido que no início flui bem, mas depois do capítulo 10 se torna quase intragável, medíocre no geral.


si durase unas 2 o 3 hs menos, estaría genial pero lastimosamente se hace muy largo y tedioso cerca del final del juego

o jogo é massa, não é tão difícil quanto falam (mais fácil que terraria)

Nunca foi tão satisfatório beber café em um midgame

O Gta4 de PS2, literalmente.

Acho legal como a rockstar disfarça o seu game designe medíocre atrás de gráfico e vários detalhes inúteis e como ninguém nota isso.
Mais engraçado como isso só foi piorando sendo o ápice RDR2, vamos ver como gta6 será um jogo extremamente simplório em gamplay mas será exaltado só por sua parte técnica.
Coloca meia dúzia de personagem carismático, uma história legalzinha, gráficos absurdos, uns detalhes inúteis e tá lá, todo mundo vai ignorar o grameplay patético e medíocre que você repete a mais de 20 anos e vão chamar de obra prima.


It's not a great shoot em up honestly. Barely holds up and the humor is childish and old.

Max: "I needed to stop dawdling. People were dying, and I was just standing here."
Max: "Giovanna had a lot of courage. And she was smart. Very competent woman in a lot of respects. But right now, she needed me to shoot these guys before she ran out from behind cover in a hysterical panic."
Evil Brazilian military cop: "Stupid American! You don't even know our language! How could you hope to understand this?"
Max Payne: "Maybe I was a dumb, violent gringo subsisting on whisky and my own self-pity, but I still needed to do what needed to be done. Brazil was diseased to its core, the roads and rivers were a circulatory system filled with sewage and cocaine. I was a white blood cell sent to tear out the infection, one U.F.E and gangbanger at a time. But still... I had sympathy. These people had been raised to hate middle-income assholes with delusions of grandeur (GRANDEUR) like me, but that wasn't gonna stop me from saving the decent folks who just happened to live in this cesspool.... everything slowed down. That AC unit looks loose. I can shoot the air conditioning unit to make it fall."
Max: "I had let these scumbags go the first time. But now, they were about to have their way with a gorgeous female woman. Not on my watch."
ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: "YOWCH! Shoot 100 guys in the dick"

Edit: To actually explain my thoughts on MP3 in a non-goofy way, the shoot dodge is very fun and it leans into the ugliness of Max as a character and makes gunplay feel genuinely morbid and grisly in a way I liked. great cutscene direction as well and in theory I like Max's arc here, but those elements come along with some very Xbox 360 racism/annoying third person shooter design from that era that feels as if it's rubbing up against the tone. should've been called White Man's Hurtin'.
Would really recommend reading this review by replicantgestalt for a way more detailed and informed take on how it handles Brazil as a setting: https://backloggd.com/u/replicantgestalt/review/1541848/