I have a bit more to say about the game this time around. .. first things first I think the first 2 episodes and the last episode are good. Where the problem in this game lies is episode 3 and 4. They both have the opposite problem ; episode 3 is too rushed and episode 4 is too stretched out. What happens in episode 3 could have been slowed down and maybe taken up half of episode 4. This rushed-ness is kind of a problem in every non season 1 walking dead game but it feels really apparent here. Then it seems like they realized they sped through the meat of their story in one episode so episode 4 was super filler-y. The game is a bit more rushed than s1 yeah cause it seems to have shifted away from having puzzles and thus (I cant believe I just used the word thus I feel like a fucking English professor) it has less moments where everyone slows down and takes a chill pill. Remember that part in the first season at the beginning in the convenience store where everyone was chilling? U got to talk to people, get food and batteries and stuff, and like chill around before the story moves on. Having a chance to talk to these characters in optional conversations, which in the first game were all super well written, can give you a better feel for the characters. Like when you first are there you're like damn I hate Lilly and Larry. That old guy called my bro Kenny a homo. But then you can talk to them and then you're like alright I don't forgive you but we're chill for now. I get where you're coming from and you're a real person that I disagree with instead of a character that exists to raise tension. It's why the side characters of s1 feel much more fleshed out than even some of the main cast of the later seasons. OK walking dead fans. Tell me your favourite Omar quote. Too much? tell me a single personality trait that he has. OVERALL CONSENSUS BEFORE SPOILER PART: Great game still, super dark with some great improvements gameplay wise and a very good cold atmosphere in the later episodes that made me feel cold IRL. Like when I watched the thing. OK let's move on. Spoiler warning ...


Let's talk about Kenny vs Jane. Jane I honestly thought they did a good job setting up. She was a good character. But did anyone actually pick her over Kenny? no? yeah I thought not. I get it yada yada realism but for a game ending superchoice where you could kill one of two characters it should be a harder decision. Let me put this into perspective. Jane: Crazy, would 100% leave you if you threatened her, wanted AJ to not be born, overall her whole thing is that she survives no matter what and she thinks it's ok to leave a group in their time of need without saying anything because she doesn't wanna help and she's just considering self preservation. VS the guy who's been there since s1 so you got the old friend bias, knows how to be a parent, would kill himself if he let AJ so much as scrape his knee, etc, etc. Plus add onto that the fact that Jane left a baby alone in a cold car? the odds are kinda stacked against her ain't they. But that's partly because of her character. She is just not a suitable guardian because she is a loner. The original plan was to have it be between Kenny and Luke, and that would've been WAY better! I really don't see why that baby ass death had to happen. Honestly feels like Jane and Luke's places were swapped. Jane comes back to help the group, developing her character a bit and then she immediately dies which validifies what she said about going solo being safer. And then Luke, the ridiculously nice dude you've been bonding with who is a total bro, would go up against the guy who you were bros with as lee. It just makes too much sense. Whatever what do I know I'm only Elkmane the most influential and important game reviewer of all time. PEACE OUT.

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2022
