3 reviews liked by ElvisNeedsBoats

The call of duty killer? More like the Brain cell killer lol. I think haze killed halo more than this junk killed cod. This game feels like a mobile game and isn’t worth anyone’s time. Seeing as it is an Ubisoft game maybe it will be good in 10 years.

I saw this game on the hub and thought I’d try it out! Jk in all seriousness overwatch 2 feels like a dumbed down Free version of a game I payed $40 for. The switch to one tank is strange but works (I Guess). Everytime my buddy Seth plays tank I wish they never made that decision. I hate that skins I used to get for free are $15 and up now I still bought the game!!! It’s just an update not even a new application I just wish they were not so greedy. All that being said I still love playing OW2 and I’m addicted to it kind of like crack. Only difference is OW2 has a worse comedown. It’s free now so might as well pick it up.

If Half Life 2 was a good game it would be R3.