I've got just under 2 hours in, and I can at least say I like the direction that this game is going. Street building reminds me of Frostpunk, there's Civ-style diplomatic discussions with other lords, music never became repetitive, the game is optimized enough for me to at times hit 100fps while playing on "ultra settings". I haven't gotten around to combat yet since I flubbed up and barely have a population, but with the bandit camp set to attack in less than a year, I'll definitely have to change that if I want my silly little village to survive. Game is good enough in preview form for me to consider going on Steam to purchase the Early Access while on sale, to support development...Hard to argue with day one access with PC Gamepass though lmao

Edit: The bandits ended up burning my village down.

Played this with a high school friend and his brother one night back in 2017. We livestreamed it and somehow got the killer despite being kidnapped lol.

If you told me this was a Two Point Studios game set in space, I'd believe you.

A game I was excited to try again as an adult using my PCSX2 emulator, still haven't found the right time to explore everything in-game, but I do remember having this regarded as top 3 WWE games of all time, up there with "WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw" from the year prior; having grown up during the Ruthless Aggression Era, I fell out of the WWE stuff around the return of ECW.

Almost a decade later and I don't think I'll ever get pass Silver. Whether on console or laptop, I'm not good with the "sound queues", and guess I am more used to the "no tactics" Call of Duty type games. Even if I was good though, not a game for me. Very repetitive.

Played this only 'cause someone wanted me to, I personally hate racing games and this being an open world game where you drive around...and that's it...well, that's not for me haha. Physics be damned, cars are indestructible and settings vary from arcade like to "simulation". No feeling of progression, no sense of reward, boring gameplay loop, I get why others like it but eh. Pretty graphics for a 2018 game though.

Soulless shooter game that leaned too heavily on the L4D comparisons. The “Versus” mode consists of utterly boring horde gameplay with an ever shrinking play circle ala-battle royale style. Campaign failed to capture my interest in anything and I think I played past Act 2. This game is so boring, and I’m glad Gamepass kept me from spending my own money on it.


The main character and his son have some good voice acting, but the linearity with choice removed makes this basically a cartoon. During conversation, there’s often times where 1 or 2 conversation choices will be greyed out leaving you unable to say what you actually want to say. Lack of multiple endings, redundant “mini games”, the story is not enough to save this game.

"The first time I played it, I was around 14 I think, so when I found out about the Dragon Age 4 reveal as an adult, I decided to replay all three games. I tell you, as an adult I have much more appreciation for the game. Just because the graphics are outdated and some of the lesser important characters have shitty voice acting means nothing to me now. I also don’t hate the combat system anymore and realize just how much depth and story is there is to this game."
- Pretentious 19 year old me

I started with the Xbox 360 port during Christmas of 2009, or February 2010. I have played on and off up until Autumn of 2023. I'm now a PC gamer and can say that the game objectively has more Quality of Life improvements even without the ability to mod. This is a game I'll be able to see myself playing two decades after its release; a simple formula that hasn't gone stale for me.

Typical looter shooter mechanics with a story better than the first Destiny. Top tier AA title.

A game that made its creators rich by profiting off the labor of children and the disabled. Only enjoyable with a group of friends and even then I feel most of my laughs are forced.

I had an online friend whom I'd play Blackout & Warzone with. One night when bored, he suggested I finally give this game a chance, I begrudgingly did so and after 2 hours knew I'd never want to play this cartoony ass boring game again. Probably fun with a group of friends, and when you're deep into the game fighting Megladons and players, but it's just not my kinda grind.

booted up my series X to play for the first time in a long time, saw this had an update, went to go play it and after searching for games on different difficulties...no games were found. Unplayable for me I guess.

I loved pretending I knew what I was doing playing 1 - 5 of the original series, making accounts on WildTangent Games to use their free game tokens. Bored one day, years ago, I saw this was on the Xbox store for free and promptly downloaded it to see if it'd give me a nostalgic feeling. Nah, I couldn't operate any of the controls. I tried pressing anything, and there was no way to pick up villagers it seemed. The Island also looked underwhelming, reminding me somewhat of Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children. As I write this review I now find out there's microtransactions; at least in the PC version?! Insane, would love to see a new release from the company but not if it's going to be anything like this game.