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Mailman_GV finished Halo 3: ODST
Way, way better than it has any right to be. A welcome departure from the typical Halo formula with a chilling atmosphere, banger soundtrack and excellent pacing. The shorter runtime means no mission outstays its welcome and there's no filler in sight. As a companion piece to both Halo 2 and, in some ways, Halo Reach, the storytelling here is really interesting and is told in a super smart way. Please don't skip this.

9 days ago

Mailman_GV finished Super Mario Land
These physics are absolutely diabolical, but I will give Super Mario Land one thing - it's charming and pretty dang imaginative. It feels like there's twice as many enemies as there are levels, which is super rare for any game, let alone a 2D platformer. Sarasaland is just a cool location in general, I would totally be down for it to be revisited in the future.

11 days ago

Quaza59 published a list Mains

32 Games

13 days ago

14 days ago

Mailman_GV is now playing Super Mario Land

14 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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