I can't believe Mikami made RE4 again with God Hand.

A one of a kind car JRPG that may also be one of the coolest PS1 games ever! Much love to those who also worked hard on the fan translation!

Mecha kino. This to Armored Core 3 is like what Master of Arena was to the original Armored Core. Such a good expansion with great missions and set pieces. Despite it being less missions compared to 3, it increases the amount of content and replayabilty with a huge amount of unlockable parts that require different playstyles. Having so much more weapons on the left arm makes customization all the more fun with new options like dual wielding with a machine gun and a sniper rifle. The big increase in difficulty is also comparable to the older games and while it may cause bigger frustrations, it is a rewarding challenge. The soundtrack is a banger too especially the main theme of Silent Line. Overall it checks all the boxes in improving Armored Core 3 in which was already a engaging, fun and challenging game.

Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars is a very nice and entertaining mecha tactical RPG that may be abit too easy or tediously long but the storytelling and presentation is where it really shines despite not being too special. It is also told in a visual novel style and despite how simple the actual plot and characters are, the situations/episodes aren't stupid. It also gets really interesting as you further progress and its ending is great too. The music is nice too even though there is lack of variety. I'd definitely recommend giving this a try especially if you enjoyed Zone of the Enders/The 2nd Runner.

Scarlet Nexus was quite a good and enjoyable trip. The artstyle and presentation is aesthetically pleasing. It reminds me of the PS2 JRPGs and it feels like the style will hold up years from now. It is also a very ambitious game that tries to mix character action and RPG elements. It succeeds to some extent as it is fun/satisfying, with plenty of moves and powers to including your main telekinesis. It has its issues tho like the lack of enemy variety which especially hurts at the final chapter and depending on some players, the level design. I personally do not mind how linear the game is because I felt really engaged with the characters, their voice acting, the lore and story which makes me want to keep further progressing and find out what happens. While it is not perfectly written and can become a bit tropey especially since the more fun plot points are separated from different playthroughs and are either shown or simply told to you depending on which of the 2 stories you choose, it is still definitely good. I also think the character's interactions and bonding moments are what make it special. The music is also fantastic and well varied that often complements the game's environment and vibe that you will probably not get tired of hearing it loop. To write it off as another ''anime game'' is a disservice and if you find it interesting in the slightest, do give it a try.

Armored Core 4 is a radical departure from the previous games in both the way the game is played and presented especially with Miyazaki on his debut as the director. While customization isn't as deep as before, missions are short and the environments feel like a step behind, the moment-to-moment gameplay is really fun and felt like a step in the right direction as the series moved to a new generation. The satisfaction of completing a level is also complemented to the story, more notably the player mercenary/operator relationship developing as you finish each mission. The story was also nice and had some signs of greatness, but I feel like it could have elevated to something better if not for a few missteps. The soundtrack bangs as expected from an AC game. Definitely recommend this one and it also runs well on an emulator.

By the way, if you think this game is too easy, remember that the canon playthrough is the Hard mode and it changes the missions unlike AC2/3 where it only changed the size of the FCS.

Great simcade racer that could have had the potential to compete with Gran Turismo if Konami released it before GT4 or on a different platform. Physics are on point, solid vehicle lineup and very stylish music. While it does not have as much content as GT4 and also loses some steam the further you get into the career mode due to how messy or random the progression can be with the calendar and rankings, it is still recommended to give it try if you are a fan of this genre of racing.

Requires around 250hrs to reach and beat Fatalis so it's really grindy with not enough quest variety.. but at least you don't have to suffer alone right?

Armored Core is one hell of a series. After going through the PS1 games a year ago and then the rest of the series (from 2 to Verdict Day) back in January, it quickly became a series I hold dearly as it also had a lot of similarities of another series (Ace Combat) that I love where you also start as a silent nobody and slowly rise into becoming a one-man army that is capable of ending all conflict with over-the top sequences while still having some level of believability and a banger soundtrack to complete it.

When Armored Core VI was finally announced, I was immediately extremely hyped but also a bit cautious. They haven’t made a game in 10 years. How was it going to play? Every generation past 3 had huge changes into the gameplay and you could consider 4 and 5 as soft reboots so 6 may as well be one too. There was also that weird discourse where AC is going to be “Armored Souls”. Will it be able to reach the highs such as Last Raven and For Answer?

Now that the game has come out, I have played it to completion and it has far exceeded my expectations. I recommend this game to both fans of previous Armored Core games and fans of Souls. It has all the good stuff you’d expect from an AC game and has taken most of the cool elements unique in each generation to this one. It also some elements similar to Souls such as the challenging bosses that are more reactive, a freer movement system as well as the introduction of healing consumables. While Armored Core always had a stagger mechanic in the past which was determined by the stability stat of your legs and the power of weapon that hit you (like poise in Souls), they changed it up and is now visible with a stagger bar similar to Sekiro and that does make some fun combinations in creating openings.

The game runs really well. Whoever optimized the game must have used some black magic to make it run so much better compared to previous FromSoftware games. I used a slightly below minimum spec graphics card and barely had any issues.

Presentation is all top notch from the looks to the sound design. Everything is so well detailed including the environments. There are so many destructible objects and the scenery is beautiful. The explosions from the weapons to the breaking of the mechs, they all just sound and look so cool and really good. The ambience fits perfectly too.

The customization options are as good as previous games though there are also quite some improvements and new stats for each part that makes every part more meaningful. For example, the core part now also affects energy output of the generator so it does not resort to simply picking the most energy efficient or the lightest/tankiest core. It may make newcomers feel a bit more overwhelmed though as there are now more factors in building your AC. Personalizing your AC too has never been better now that there are so much more paint/pattern options and new reflective options as well as a very detailed decal/emblem creator. The weapons and its balancing are broken at some points though with some weapons just being straight up too strong. Also, I hope they bring back weapon arms in the future since they are missing here.

AC6 also surprisingly does not play like anything from the previous Armored Core games but it is more like a combination of previous FromSoftware games in a mecha world. It’s still Armored Core in its heart but once you get in the cockpit and start playing, it feels so different from past AC games and you will notice the biggest difference is that the camera is not locked behind the AC and is now free. That also removes mechanics such as turning speed and I think it is a welcoming change. It makes it feel great to play. The changes to the tank legs being independent to the upper body instead of the whole body having to rotate to turn is also such a huge improvement as well as giving quad legs a hover mode. It makes them more viable options and not making bipedal legs the only viable choice.

The game’s story is much longer compared to every previous entry. It took me 35hrs to complete each mission and see every ending and that is impressive. While the story isn’t as great as Last Raven or For Answer’s, it still got me feeling emotional towards the end. I kinda wished it didn’t lack the darker human nature that previous games had where you get certain missions that involve morally questionable decisions because of corporate orders though. I think every mission is fun still. There is a lot of variety and cool set pieces. I was engaged the entire time since the game was such a blast to play anyway because of how good the combat system is. Another great thing they’ve done with NG+ or NG++ is remixing some missions or adding entirely new ones. The story missions were paced pretty well too by balancing out the challenging and relaxing but fun missions in between properly. The ratio between the power fantasy and the difficulty is fine too.

Let’s talk about the difficulty next. Back then, the real challenge in AC was first getting used to the controls and then trying to not get yourself into debt by managing your ammo consumption and/or repair costs from damage even when you fail a mission. While that wasn’t much of a mechanic anymore starting with 3, It may as well also be non-existent in this game since it would not be easy to implement with how they changed up the difficulty here. The real challenge now is from the Souls-like reactionary boss fights. While it’s not really hard especially when you compare them to some AC games which were brutal, it’s still challenging enough and you are incentivized for trying to find the right build for the mission. Like most AC games, the difficulty is also determined by your build. Most of the bosses feel fair and don’t take too long to drop.

Multiplayer is only PVP and is quite the setback compared to AC V and Verdict Day but it is still pretty fun for casual 1v1s or 3v3s. Matches can get pretty wild but hopefully we will see more options/game modes/arenas and more balancing as the game gets patched in the future. EDIT: 1.3.1 has mostly fixed weapon balancing issues with the game but don't expect this game to be competitive still.

I only have a few minor gripes with the game and that is the resupply mechanic ruining the surprise on future encounters, boosters turning off whenever you become stationary, making you have to turn it on again ~~and the game’s soundtrack. Don’t get me wrong, the soundtrack is still really good. It’s just that I don’t find it as memorable as the previous games. Armored Core games always had great soundtracks and really memorable moments or fights like Nineball or Mechanized Memories because of how powerful the music was during those moments. ACVI had like only a few songs that I remember which is a shame but I will probably change my mind later as I listen to the soundtrack more while playing. EDIT: Soundtrack does bang tho I still wish there were more standout tracks like in the older AC games

Overall, this game slaps. I enjoy it so much that I will keep coming back to it and replay missions or play multiplayer. Thank God we’ve been given a new game and it is a huge return to form. It’s what I’ve always wanted and this is easily my game of the year. Do consider giving it a try.

Project Wingman is the best love letter there is to AC. I adore the soundtrack composed by Jose Pavli and it is paired perfectly with a really solid campaign and an extremely fun flight model + bonus conquest roguelike mode. Happy 3rd Anniversary PW