Call of Duty Ranked

This is, or more fittingly “was” a great franchise. There are still exceptions with games like Cold War, but it really has gone downhill, nonetheless this is still a fun series every now and then.

Everyone with any brain capacity was on holiday the entire making of this trash. Reused MW2 multiplayer (that was meh), a butchered campaign and by far THE worst Zombies. I’m just so incredibly disappointed.
I don’t really like Battle Royale’s so obviously this was a must-play for me... Even though it’s “Warzone 2.0” it felt more like 0.5, it’s a bit of a downgrade in my opinion and still sucks as much as the original.
A good reboot of a great trilogy, while I don’t think it’s AS good as the original MW2 it’s still good. The multiplayer here though is a big downgrade from the original in my opinion.
Such a fucking disappointment because I love older settings such as WW1 and WW2, so seeing it wasted like this hurts. The campaign was shit, the characters sucked and this might be THE worst multiplayer yet.
Was pleasantly surprised by this game, I really liked the campaign here with some really cool and fun moments, not only that but also a pretty fun Zombies. Unfortunately it’s just a bit too short in my opinion.
Never cared for this nor got the hype, again I’m no fan of Battle Royale’s so this is whatever. The only positive I can give it is that this genre weirdly fits CoD in my opinion and it’s at least better than Blackout in BO4.
Again, while I don’t think it’s AS good as the original there are still some standout moments here such as the house raid, I do still think the multiplayer was just kinda mediocre here though.
I don’t like mobile gaming so this was already not for me, but wow this is actually pretty extensive. I mean I still remember playing Snake and now we got full-on CoD games on your phone that look pretty damn good.
Fuck Activision, this could've had a campaign that could’ve maybe been on par with BO1 or 2, but Activision just had to fuck it. Now we got a shit Battle Royale in it’s stead and a mediocre - bad Zombies.
I actually liked the campaign here, I like the return to form with no EXO suits and futuristic gadgets, just old war like the older titles. But it’s just good enough, Zombies was decent and there were some cool moments.
While I don’t think it’s as bad as some say, it’s still not good enough to be placed any higher. The campaign was meh, the multiplayer was bad, the Zombies was at least decent though and Ethan’s goated.
It almost feels offensive putting it this low but I just have to, while the multiplayer was fun I vastly prefer others, the Zombies (while not my favorite) was amazing but my god the campaign is just so fucking garbage.
Before replaying it the only thing I remembered was Kevin Spacey, in all honesty though there’s really nothing here that stands out. Zombies is mediocre, the campaign and multiplayer is too, just whatever.
Had a super cool prologue but after that the campaign takes a nosedive and just feels like a step back from MW3 and BO2, there’s nothing really that sets this game apart from the others so it’s really just forgettable.
Just bad, the missions were dogshit and the gun-play was horrendous. Time trials were torture and it was also missing a Zombies mode, which I feel is pretty much essential for Black Ops, even if it’s portable.
A pretty cool campaign with side stuff for you to do as well changing the outcome of different things and endings, the multiplayer is a lot of fun too and this in my opinion has the best Zombies to date.
While not reaching the highs of MW1 and MW2 it’s still a good conclusion to the trilogy, with some very memorable and cool moments, some good characters conclusions from the first two and a fun multiplayer.
My favorite Call of Duty ever made, in my opinion the best campaign with many cool memorable moments, multiple enjoyable and iconic characters, a fun multiplayer, iconic music and a great Zombies as well.
This was for a very long time my favorite CoD, but not anymore. I still absolutely love this game, the campaign is just as cool as the last with epic set pieces yet again and my favorite CoD multiplayer but yeah.
Definitely one of my favorites location wise, a gruesome and dark campaign too with very cool moments like seeing the Banzai chargers running towards you and it also introduced one of my favorite modes; Zombies.
Debated whether to put this above MW2 or not but ultimately I just couldn’t, I fucking love the original CoD’s and this was such a great entry. A fun campaign with cool set pieces and a superb multiplayer.
Just meh, nothing stands out here from the other old CoD’s. The gameplay was a bit worse than 1, there were some okay missions but some absolutely terrible ones too and the campaign was again just meh.
It’s just okay, there’s some fun with the multiple campaigns of the Polish, Canadians, British etc but the gunplay is mediocre and it gets a little repetitive, it also adds some weird gimmicky mechanics sometimes.
It’s fine, I got nothing really to add. It removed regenerating health for some reason and also took away the multiple campaigns in favor of a singular one, which is fine, but this campaign is just okay.
A great sequel, an improvement in literally every aspect of the original. The campaigns here are the same (US, British and Russian) but they’re even better somehow being some of my favorite missions in CoD ever.
This may just look like the og CoD or CoD 2, but don’t let that fool you. This is a much more frustrating experience than those, checkpoints are more scarce, the gun-play is more annoying and the levels aren’t as fun.
A great start to the franchise, with large scaled hectic battles making it an immersive war experience. The campaigns playing as a US, British and Russian soldier with mostly historical accuracy is cool as well.


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