A very solid classic style beat-em-up. It's no game-changer in terms of gameplay but is a very enjoyable little romp that, in my opinion, is best enjoyed with other people (not that you can't enjoy also it alone of course.) What really sets the game apart is the gorgeous pixel art that perfectly replicates the charm and style of O'Malley's comics, as well as the absolutely kickass soundtrack performed by the chiptune-rock band Anamanaguchi. Whether you're a fan of Scott Pilgrim or just want a new game to play through with friends during these times, this game is definitely worth checking out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go empty my wallet on that physical edition.

I feel like I could have more fun frolicking through hell than I had while playing through this game.

As I expected the exploration was top-notch. Definitely some of the best environments Nintendo has crafted. It can't be overstated just how easy it is to drown yourself in this game's eerie yet alluring atmosphere. I also enjoyed the various upgrades to your arsenal as they felt extremely satisfying to get ahold of and experiment with. There was a very smooth progression from being almost defenseless to becoming a merciless, screw-attacking juggernaut that ravages every room in your path.
My only real qualms with the game were in the controls. Compared to other games in the genre that I've played, there seems to be a lot of floatiness behind Samus's movement. Her jumps in particular felt very awkward at first, but I got used to it in time. The wall jump on the other hand took a lot of time to get down. The delay needed between the turn in your jump and the press of the jump button never felt right, leading to me dreading rooms where it was required to progress. Thankfully, I can count the rooms requiring it on only one hand so it isn't that big a problem.
Those minor control issues aside, this game is definitely a must-play in the Metroidvania genre. I'm glad I've finally gotten it under my belt and look forward to traversing more of the series in the future.