69 Reviews liked by EverydayOtter

Same beautiful settings, same fun gameplay!! However, the time it took to move from room to room chopped up the flow in certain areas and the multiple endings added a lot of steps to complete the game. All in all, very enjoyable and added a lot of features that expands upon the fun of the first two games :)

By far my favorite of the series!! The use of the dollhouse as a stand-in for the real thing was neat and improved on the choppiness of room transitions in the previous game, and the husband-wife dynamic gave more insight to the Null and its impact!! Can't wait to see what Fireproof Games has in store :)

Short point and click!! Just wish it had been a little longer/more complex :)

Charming pixel art and simple gameplay make this a chill and straightforward gameplay :)

Fun little game with pretty easy achievements!! Nothing groundbreaking but an easy way to kill time :)

Fireproof Games did it again!! If you are a fan of The Room or escape games in general, you'll love this game!! The sequel upholds the standard of fun puzzles, great atmosphere, and helpful hints, and ups the ante with chapters even more immersive than the original!! Yet another 10/10, looking forward to what Room 3 and 4 have in store!! :)

One of the cutest quirky platformers!! I'm not usually one for platformers but the unconventional game mechanics and incredible pixel art make this a super fun casual play!! The achievements aren't inaccessible and none of the levels are crazy hard, it's mostly just puzzles, web slinging, and a cute soundtrack!! 10/10 :)

Pretty fun puzzle game!! Nice break between classes with plenty of backgrounds to unlock!! If you like other forms of Picross or puzzles in general you'll probably enjoy this :)

Fun and funky puzzle game!! The mysterious atmosphere, detailed puzzles, and unobtrusive hints that help you out of a jam without feeling like you've cheated make this a fantastic experience for beginners and pros alike!! Not too long, not outrageously difficult, and not lacking at all in the vibe department!! Easy 10/10 :)