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Raven_Roo reviewed Viewtiful Joe
Most unique energy in anything ever, it gives zero shits about itself. It has its fair share of bullshit but its still an utter blast, I think people new to action games and want to learn them should give this a go.

1 day ago

2 days ago

5 days ago

Raven_Roo finished Mary Skelter 2
After spending a long time on this game I was finally able to get to a point where I regularly played it. Mary Skelter 2 is a sad game, from the beginning it hits you with a lot of sad series of events, ending with one of the emptiest feeling ends I've ever seen, it's something that kept a constant flowing rate of surprises and ends with something that'll stick with me for a long time. And even when it was at it's saddest it still gives you a hint of optimism urging you to keep going until you see the end. Maybe if you see it through beyond the end, everyone'll be happy.

5 days ago

Raven_Roo earned the Replay '14 badge

13 days ago

Raven_Roo reviewed Star Fox 64 3D
it took me like 20 days to finish this but it rllly didn’t need to bc it’s like an hour long and like, four hours at most, easy to recommend and easy to play and there’s a lot of fun story bits sprinkled out in all of its content.

13 days ago

13 days ago

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