A game which I have quite enjoyed. But I have to say that the NPCs AI was extremely terrible. I could say the same for the game's polishment. It was constantly crashing and bugging most of the time. This game is such a good start for the series, I must say, and it truly is an RPG game, as you can see with the actual use of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, alongside others, and that is something really difficult to see in these days.

On gameplay terms it probably is the best Metal Gear, but its story is not. It is unfinished and has so many unnecessary missions

A must-play survival horror game
Obviously it has aged really bad, but its story and atmosphere haven't
I'd say that, besides the gameplay, the only bad thing about the game is the final boss

Incredibly addicting, and it is really beginner friendly for its genre

Everything in this game is lovely, but it can easily get repetitive

Also Epic helped the developers and thanks to them they added new maps and content, but they ruined the system and gave no rewards for those who paid for the game

This game tells a beautiful story and also has an amazing ambience. The art-style is really pretty and all but, when you play it for a second time, you see its flaws


This game cured my depression

The open world was unnecessarily empty