6 reviews liked by Eynak

I watched Markiplier play it, so it counts, right?

Decent first entry. I kinda wish it wouldn’t play it very safe by using the most common features of the Ps3/360 era but an average solid game, most characters aren’t likeable at all. Lara is likeable and steals the shine. Exp/Level system needs work.

Wonderful game, expecially if played with two friends. I literally loved everything from the characters (all of them are unique with their stories, but my favorite is the monk) to the artstyle and humor.

While it may have been hyped as a spiritual successor to the Silent Hill franchise, it’s not and should stand on its own merits. From my point of view, it was a decently made horror game that tried its best to capture the classic horror experience, and regardless if it succeeded or not, it’s still my favourite Bloober title to date. Life was brought to the character of Marianne, and I appreciated the cinematic quality that remained a constant throughout.

That said, the story itself was where things got complicated. When it comes to being deep and tackling sensitive subjects, it can either come across as respectful or the polar opposite, and I feel The Medium verged on the latter.

prestao sam da igram jer sam se uplasio :(